Reports not available electronically from this page might be available from the library's Knowledge Bank at this link:
* denotes the report is not available as an original bound copy, but a photo-copy can be provided.
- 514: Habana, Nlingilili, Gravity Recovery by Kinematic State Vector Perturbation from Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking for GRACE-like Orbits over Long Arcs [pdf] , vi+127 pp., January 2020.
- 513: Yang, Junjun, Seafloor Topography Estimation from Gravity Gradients [pdf], viii+137 pp., December 2017.
- 512: Su, Xiaoli, Variations of Continental Ice Sheets Combining Satellite Gravimetry and Altimetry [pdf], vii+122 pp., November 2017.
- 511: Shang, Kun, GRACE Time-Variable Gravity Field Recovery Using an Improved Energy Balance Formalism [pdf], v+94 pp., August 2015.
- 510: Dai, Chunli, Source Parameters Inversion for Recent Large Undersea Earthquakes from GRACE Data [pdf], v+101 pp, August 2015.
- 509: Erkan, Kamil, Geophysical Investigations on Gravity Gradiometry and Magnetic Data over the Wichita Uplift Region, Southwestern Oklahoma [pdf], ii+22 pp, April 2015.
- 508: Duan, Jianbin, Global Ice Mass Balance and its Contribution to Early Twenty-first Century Sea Level Rise [pdf], vi+133 pp, March 2014.
- 507: Yang, Hyo Jin, Geoid Determination Based on a Combination of Terrestrial and Airborne Gravity Data in South Korea [pdf], v+98 pp, December 2013.
- 506: Uzun, Sibel, Estimating Parameters of Subsurface Structures from Airborne Gravity Gradiometry Data Using a Monte-Carlo Optimization Method [pdf], iv+102 pp, December 2013.
- 505: Sulistioadi, Yohanes Budi,
Satellite Altimetry and Hydrologic Modeling of Poorly-gauged Tropical Watershed [pdf]
, v+136 pp, November 2013.
- 504: Huang, Zhenwei, The Role of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Process on the Determination of Present-Day Sea Level Rise [pdf], vi+141 pp, October 2013.
- 503: Kim, Jin Woo,
Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)/SAR Interferometry (InSAR) for Monitoring of Wetland Water Level and Land Subsidence [pdf], iv+111 pp, August 2013.
- 502: Snow, Kyle,
Topics in Total Least-Squares Adjustment within the Errors-In-Variables Model: Singular Cofactor Matrices and Prior Information [pdf], vii+90 pp, December 2012.
- 501: Fok, Hok Sum,
Ocean Tides Modeling using Satellite Altimetry [pdf], v+115 pp, December 2012.
- 500: Huang, Ou,
Terrain Corrections for Gravity Gradiometry [pdf], iii+111 pp, June 2012.
- 499: Hu, Xuanyu,
A Comparison of Ellipsoidal and Spherical Harmonics for Gravitational Field Modeling of Non-Spherical Bodies [pdf], iv+91 pp, June 2012.
- 498: Wang, Lei,
Coseismic Deformation Detection and Quantification for Great Earthquakes Using Spaceborne Gravimetry [pdf], vi+122 pp, March 2012.
- 497: Abt, Tin Lian,
Detection of a Local Mass Anomaly in the Shallow Subsurface by Applying a Matched Filter [pdf], xiv+156 pp, August 2011.
- 496: Hayal, Adem G.,
Static Calibration of Tactical Grade Inertial Measurement Units [pdf], 77 pp, September 2010.
- 495: Yi, Yuchan,
The Ohio State University Stackfiles for Satellite Radar Altimeter Data [pdf], iv+23 pp., 2000, re-printed May 2010
- 494: Jekeli, Christopher and Tin Lian Abt,
The Statistical Performance of the Matched Filter for Anomaly Detection Using Gravity Gradients [pdf], ii+53 pp., May 2010.
- 493: Lee, Jong Ki,
The Estimation Methods for an Integrated INS/GPS UXO Geolocation System [pdf], xiii+113 pp., December 2009.
- 492: Vazquez Becerra, Guadalupe Esteban,
Geodesy in Antarctica: A Pilot Study Based on the TAMDEF GPS Network, Victoria Land, Antarctica [pdf], vii+112, July 2009.
- 491: Zhang, Manman,
Satellite Radar Altimetry for Inland Hydrologic Studies [pdf], vii+89 pp., March 2009.
- 490: Vazquez, Guadalupe Esteban,
Analysis of Stochastic Properties of GPS Observables [pdf], xii+91 pp., October 2008.
- 489: Lee, Hyong Ki,
Radar Altimetry Methods for Solid Earth Geodynamics Studies [pdf], vi+115 pp., September 2008.
- 488: Erkan, Kamil,
A Comparative Overview of Geophysical Methods [pdf], iii+66 pp., September 2008.
- 487: Schmidt, Michael and Oliver Fabert,
Ellipsoidal Wavelet Representation of the Gravity Field [pdf], vi+67 pp., January 2008.
- 486: Li, Xiaopeng,
Moving Base INS/GPS Vector Gravimetry on a Land Vehicle [pdf], vii+144 pp., December 2007
- 485: Chen, Yiqun,
Recovery of Terrestrial Water Storage Change from Low-Low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking [pdf], vii+121 pp., December 2007.
- 484: Yi, Yudan,
On Improving the Accuracy and Reliability of GPS/INS-Based Direct Sensor Georeferencing [pdf], v+202 pp., December 2007.
- 483: Zhu, Lizhi,
Gradient Modeling with Gravity and DEM [pdf], vi+127 pp., June 2007.
- 482: Dumrongchai, Puttipol,
Small Mass Anomaly Detection with Airborne Gradiometry [pdf], vii+210 pp., March 2007.
- 481: Bae, Tae-Suk,
Near Real-Time Precise Orbit Determination of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Using an Optimal GPS Triple-Differencing Technique [pdf], viii+121 pp., November 2006.
- 480: Baek, Sang-Ho,
DEM Generation and Ocean Tide Modeling Over Sulzberger Ice Shelf, West Antarctica, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry [pdf], vi + 99 pp., August 2006.
- 479: Ge, Shengjie,
GPS Radio Occultation and the Role of Atmospheric Pressure on Spaceborne Gravity Estimation Over Antarctica [pdf], viii + 162 pp., July 2006.
- 478: Kuo, Chung-Yen,
Determination and Characterization of 20th Century Global Sea Level Rise [pdf], ix + 158 pp., April 2006.
- 477: Jekeli, Christopher and Xiaopeng Li,
INS/GPS Vector Gravimetry Along Roads in Western Montana [pdf], ii + 38 pp., January 2006.
- 476: Cheng, Kai-chien,
Analysis of Water Level Measurements Using GPS [pdf], vi + 123 pp, November 2005.
- 475: Jekeli, Christopher,
Spline Representations of Functions on a Sphere for Geopotential Modeling [pdf], ii + 34 pp., March 2005.
- 474: Xie, Jing,
Implementation of Parallel Least-Squares Algorithms for Gravity Field Estimation [pdf], vii + 57 pp., March 2005.
- 473: Cothren, Jackson,
Reliability in Constrained Gauss-Markov Models: An Analytical and Differential Approach with Applications in Photogrammetry [pdf], v + 61pp, February 2005.
- 472: Cheng, Ching-Chung,
Investigations into Greens Function as Inversion-Free Solution of the Kriging Equation, with Geodetic Applications [pdf], iv + 74 pp, December 2004.
- 471: Wang, Yu,
Ocean Tide Modeling in the Southern Ocean [pdf], ix + 64 pp, December 2004.
- 470: Cheng, Kai-chien,
GPS Buoy Campaigns for Vertical Datum Improvement and Radar Altimeter Calibration [pdf], xii + 74 pp, January 2004.
- 469: Cheng, Kai-chien,
Radar Altimeter Absolute Calibration Using GPS Water Level Measurements [pdf], x + 68 pp, January 2004.
- 468: Serpas, Juan Gilberto,
Local and Regional Geoid Determination from Vector Airborne Gravimetry [pdf], ix + 105 pp, October 2003.
- 467: Han, Shin-Chan,
Efficient Global Gravity Determination from Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (SST) [pdf], xv + 110 pp, Sep 2003.
- 466: Jekeli, Christopher,
Statistical Analysis of Moving-Base Gravimetry and Gravity Gradiometry [pdf], i + 65 pp, Sep 2003.
- 465: Snow, Kyle B.,
Applications of Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing to GPS Network Adjustments [pdf], xii + 107 pp, Dec 2002.
- 464: Anzenhofer, Michael, C.K. Shum, and Mathias Rentsh,
Coastal Altimetry and Applications [pdf], iii + 38 pp, Jan 1999.
- 463: Hwang, Cheinway,
Gravity Recovery Using COSMIC GPS Data: Application of Orbital Perturbation Theory [pdf], viii + 49 pp, Dec 1998.
- 462: Li, Ron, F. Ma, and Z.W. Tu,
Object Recognition from AIMS Data Using Neural Networks [pdf], Project Report for OSU Center For Mapping, 62 pp, Dec 1998.
- 461: Grejner-Brzezinska, Dorota A.,
Direct Sensor Orientation in Airborne and Land-based Mapping Applications [pdf], 51 pp, June 2001.
- 460: Garcia, Ramon V.,
Local Geoid Determination from GRACE Mission, PhD Dissertation [pdf], xv+106 pp, Feb 2002.
- 459: Jekeli, Christopher,
Heights, the Geopotential, and Vertical Datums, Technical Report, Ohio Sea Grant Development Program, NOAA [pdf], Grant No. NA86RG0053 (R/CE-7-PD), 34 pp, Nov 2000.
- 458: Potts, Laramie V.,
Satellite Geophysical Investigation of the Moon [pdf], PhD dissertation, xvi+209 pp, December, 2000.
- 457: Li, Ron and Z.W. Tu,
Automatic Recognition and Location of Civil Infrastructure Objects Using Mobile Mapping Technology, Neural Network and Markov Chain Monte Carlo [pdf], Project Report for OSU Center For Mapping, 36 pp, Jan 2000.
- 456: Dwaik, Fathi,
INS, GPS, and Photogrammetric Integration for Vector Gravimetry Estimation [pdf], PhD dissertation, v + 120 pp, 1998.
- 455: Li, Ron, W. Wang, and H. Tseng,
Geometric Constraints in Image Sequences and Neural Networks for Object Recognition [pdf], Project Report for OSU Center For Mapping, 78 pp, Sep 1997.
- 454: Han, Shin-Chan,
Precision Absolute GPS Positioning Through Satellite Clock Error Estimation [pdf], MS thesis, viii+61 pp, Apr 2000.
- 453: Kwon, Jay Hyoun,
Airborne Vector Gravimetry Using GPS/INS [pdf], PhD dissertation, xiv+127 pp, Apr 2000.
- 452: Zalmanson, Garry, Hierarchical Recovery of Exterior Orientation from Parametric and Natural 3-D Curves, PhD dissertation, x+79 pp, May 2000, not available.
- 451: Seedahmed, Gamal and Anton Schenk, Jan 2000, not available.
- 450: Habib, Ayman, Andinet Asmamaw, Devin Kelley, and Manja May,
Linear Features in Photogrammetry [pdf], 75 pp, January, 2000.
- 449: Wang, Zheng, Surface Reconstruction for Object Recognition, PhD dissertation, viii+83 pp, June 1999.
- 448: Wang, Zewen, On the Integration of Spatial Datasets in Geodetic Science, PhD dissertation, xi+103 pp, June 1998.
- 447: Jekeli, Christopher, Algorithms and Preliminary Experiences with the LN93 and LN100 for Airborne Vector Gravimetry, Final Rep, Phillips Lab., Hanscom AFB, MA, contract no. F19628-95-K-0020, OSURF Proj 731618, i+38 pp, Aug 1998.
- 446: Jekeli, Christopher,
Error Analysis of Padding Schemes for DFTs of Convolutions and Derivatives, Final Rep [pdf], Phillips Lab., Hanscom AFB, MA, contract no. F19628-94-K-0005, OSURF Proj 730155, 25 pp, June 1998
- 445: Gonzalez, Alexander, Horizontal Accuracy Assessment of the New Generation of High Resolution Satellite Imagery for Mapping Purposes, MS thesis, x+89 pp, June 1998.
- 444: Lee, Dong-Cheon, An Adaptive Texture Segmentation Approach for Applications in Digital Photogrammetry, PhD dissertation, i+00 pp, Dec 1997.
- 443: Habib, Ayman and Belay T. Beshah, Modeling Panoramic Linear Array Scanner, viii+59 pp, Nov 1997.
- 442: Wu, Jee-Cheng, Building Recogition from Aerial Images by Using Abduction, PhD dissertation, i+00 pp, Aug 1997.
- 441: Githuku, Anthony, Multispectral Edge Detection and Its Application to Feature Classification, Image Matching and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), PhD dissertation, xi+75, May 1997.
- 440: Garcia-Lopez, Ramon V., Determination of Vehicle Acceleration by Using the GPS Phase Acceleration, NSF Grant EAR9418223, OSURF Proj. 730780, x+62, Apr 1997.
- 439: Wang, Jin, The Gravity Recovery by LN-93 Strapdown Air-borne Gravity System? 443
- 438: Kwon, Jay Hyoun, The Orbit Determination Software GODIVA at The Ohio State University A Review, NIMA and Air Force Phillips Laboratory Contract No. F19628-96-C-0169, OSURF Proj. 733409, vii+28, Feb 1997.
- 437: Kim, Jeong-Hee, Improved Recovery of Gravity Anomalies from Dense Altimeter Data, PhD dissertation, NASA Center for Real-Time Mapping grant NAGW-973, xii+125, Feb 1996.
- 436: Smith, Dru A., On the Improvement of Gravimetric Geoid Undulations and Oceanographic Dynamic Topography Through a Combination with Satellite Altimetry and the Application of a Modified Kalman Filter Algorithm, PhD dissertation, NASA JPL contract 958121, OSURF proj 720426, xiv+154, Feb 1996.
- 435: Al-Tahir, Raid, Interpolation and Analysis in Hierarchical Surface Reconstruction, PhD dissertation, xii+88, Jan 1996.
- 434: Yi, Yuchan, Determination of Gridded Mean Sea Surface from TOPEX, ERS-1 and GEOSAT Altimeter Data, PhD dissertation, NASA JPL contract 958121, OSURF Proj 720426, xii+93 pp, Dec 1995.
- 433: Heipke, Christian, From Digital Images to Spatial Objects: Research and Development Topics in Digital Photogrammetry, vi + 85 pp, Nov 1995.
- 432: Grejner-Brzezinska, Dorota, Analysis of GPS Data Processing Techniques: In Search of Optimized Strategy of Orbit and Earth Rotation Parameter Recovery, PhD dissertation, xvi+165 pp, Oct 1995.
- 431: Yang, Ming, New GPS Measurement Modeling Techniques of Orbit Determination and Precise Kinematic Positioning, PhD dissertation, Ohio Dept. of Transportation Agreement No. 7666, OSURF Proj. 728616, xii+150 pp, Aug 1995.
- 430: Wang, Yan Ming and Richard H. Rapp,
Estimation of Sea Surface Dynamic Topography, Ocean Tides, and Secular Changes from Topex Altimeter Data [pdf], NASA Topex JPL Contract 958121, OSURF Proj. 720426, iv+86, Nov 1994.
- 429: Chadwell, C. David, Investigation of Stochastic Models to Improve the Global Positioning System Satellite Orbits, PhD dissertation, NASA GSFC Grant NAG 5-2041, OSURF Proj. 726487, xii+148 pp, Mar 1995.
- 428: Krupnik, Amnon, Multiple-Patch Matching in the Object Space for Aerotriangulation, PhD dissertation, x+94 pp, Aug 1994.
- 427: Nagarajan, Balasubramania, Definition and Realization of a Global Vertical Datum, PhD dissertation Phillips Laboratory Contract F19628-93-K-0033 and OSURF Proj. 726691, 112 pp, Apr 1994.
- 426: Stevenson, Paula, Scanning for Automated Data Conversion of Cartographic Documents, MS thesis, also Center for Mapping Rept. CFM-R-94-101, 95 pp, Apr 1994.
- 425: Bernhardt, Marie, Quantitative Characterization of Cartographic Lines for Generalization, MS thesis, 142 pp, Dec. 1992.
- 424: Smith, Dru A., The Use of High Resolution Height Data in the Computation of High Precision Geoid Heights on the Island of Maui, JPL Contract No. 958121, 69 pp, Sept 1992.
- 423: Al-garni, Abdullah Mohammed, Expert System for Landform Interpretation Using Terrain Analysis (EXLANT) , PhD dissertation, ix+ 149? Heipke, Christian, From Digital Images to Spatial Objects: Research and Development Topics in Digital Photogrammetry, vi + 85 pp, Nov 1995.
- 422*: Tseng, Yi-Hsing, Digital Photogrammetric Approach to Ice-Flow Determination in Antarctica, PhD dissertation, 105 pp, Sept. 1992.
- 421: Rapp, Richard H. and N. Balasubramania, A Conceptual Formulation of a World Height System, Science and Technology Corp. Subcontract No. 91-06-183020 and U.S. Army Eng. Topographic Lab, Contract No. DACA76-87-D-0009, OSURF Proj. 724952, 55 pp., Aug. 1992.
- 420: Kulkarni, Madhav, A Feasibility Study of Space VLBI for Geodesy and Geodynamics, PhD dissertation, NASA NSG 5265, OSURF 711055, 214 pp, June 1992.
- 419*: Kolaczek, Barbara, Variations of Short Periodical Oscillations of Polar Motion with Periods Ranging from 10-140 Days, U.S. Naval Observatory, 1992.
- 418: Schenk, Toni, ed.,
Research Activities in Digital Photogrammetry at The Ohio State University [pdf], Collection of Papers Presented at the XVII Congress of ISPRS, NASA Center for Commercial Development of Space and Center for Mapping, OSU, 152 pp, July 1992.
- 417: Yi, Yuchan, Change of the Sea Surface Topography Determined from Geosat Altimeter Data Due to a Change of the Wet Tropospheric Correction, JPL 958121, OSURF 720426, 46 pp, Apr 1992.
- 416: Basic, Tomislav and Richard Rapp, Oceanwide Prediction of Gravity Anomalies and Sea Surface Heights Using Geos-3, Seasat, and Geosat Altimeter Data and ETOPO5U Bathymetric Data, JPL 958121, OSURF 720426, NASA NAG 5-781, OSURF 718226, 89 pp, Feb. 1992.
- 415: Zilberstein, Ofer, Relational Matching for Stereopsis, PhD dissertation, 123 pp, Dec. 1991.
- 414: Hwang, Cheinway,
Orthogonal Functions Over the Oceans and Applications to the Determination of Orbit Error, Geoid, and Sea Surface Topography from Satellite Altimetry [pdf], PhD dissertation, JPL 958121, OSURF 720426, 229 pp, Dec, 1991.
- 413*: Doorn, Bradley, Multi-Scale Surface Reconstruction in the Object Space, PhD dissertation, U.S. Army, 86 pp, Dec. 1991.
- 412: Chakreyavanich, Udomsak,
Regular Grid DEM Data Compression by Using Zero-Crossings: The Automatic Breakline Detection Method [pdf], PhD dissertation, 90 pp, Nov 1991.
- 411*: Lapine, Lewis,
Analytical Calibration of the Airborne Programmetric System Using a Priori Knowledge of the Exposure Station Obtained from Kinematic Global Positioning System Techniques [pdf], NOAA, 188 pp, Oct 1991.
- 410: Rapp, Richard H., Y. M. Wang, and N. K. Pavlis,
The Ohio State 1991 Geopotential and Sea Surface Topography Harmonic Coefficient Models [pdf], NASA NAG 5-781, OSURF 718266, 94 pp, Aug, 1991.
- 409: Pavlis, Nikolaos K.,
Estimation of Geopotential Differences Over Intercontinental Locations Using Satellite and Terrestrial Measurements [pdf], NASA NAG 5-1329, OSURF 723194, 55 pp, June 1991.
- 408: Wang, Yan Ming and R. H. Rapp, Geoid Gradients for Geosat and Topex/Poseidon Repeat Ground Tracks, JPL 958121, OSURF 720426, 26 pp, June 1991.
- 407: Heck, Bernhard, On the Linearized Problems of Physical Geodesy, German Research Foundation, 65 pp, Feb 1991.
- 406: Adam, Jozsef, Estimability of Geodetic Parameters from Space VLBI Observables, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, NASA Grant No. NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 101 pp, July 1990.
- 405: Wang, Yan Ming, The Role of the Topography in Gravity Gradiometer Reductions and in the Solution of the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem Using Analytical Downward Continuation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. AFOSR F19628-86-K-0016, OSURF 718188, 49 pp, May 1990.
- 404: Denker, Heiner, Radial Orbit Error Reduction and Sea Surface Topography Determination Using One Year of GEOSAT Altimeter Data, NASA TOPEX Altimeter Research in Ocean Circulation Mission funded through JPL, Contract No. 958121, OSURF 720426, 64 pp, Jan 1990.
- 403: Kim, Jeong-Hee and Rapp, Richard H., The Development of the July 1989 1� x 1� and 30' x 30' Terrestrial Mean Free-Air Anomaly Data Bases, NASA Grant NGR36-008-161, OSURF Proj. 783210, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., 98 pp, Jan 1990.
- 402: Vondrak, Jan, Prediction of Polar Motion from Air and Water Excitations, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C., Contract N70092-89-M-0429, OSURF Proj. 722042/ 722773, 60 pp, Dec. 1989.
- 401: Wang, Yan Ming,
Determination of the Gravity Disturbance on the Earth's Topographic Surface from Airborne Gravity Gradient Data [pdf], Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Systems Command, Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. AFOSR F19628-86-K-0016, OSURF Proj. 718188, 47 pp, Dec. 1988.
- 400: Zhao, Shunde, The Computation of Detailed Geoids Using the Fast Fourier Transform Method, OSURF 783210, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 104 pp, Aug 1989.
- 399: Hwang, Cheinway,
High Precision Gravity Anomaly and Sea Surface Height Estimation from GEOS-3/SEASAT Satellite Altimeter Data [pdf], MS thesis, Proj. 720809, 150 pp, July 1989.
- 398*: Tsaoussi, Lucia S., A Simulation Study of the Over-determined Geodetic Boundary Value Problem Using Collocation, PhD dissertation, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Contract No. F19628-86-K- 0016,OSURF 718188 GL-TR-89- 0109, 130 pp., Mar 1989.
- 397: Rapp, Richard H., Progress in the Determination of the Earth's Gravity Field, Extended Abstracts for the Meeting held in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Sep 13-16, 1988, NASA NGR 36-008-161, OSURF 783210, 198 pp, June 1989.
- 396: Milbert, Dennis G., Treatment of Geodetic Leveling In the Integrated Geodesy Approach, NOAA, PhD dissertation 138 pp, Sep 1988.
- 395: Knudsen, Per, Determination of Local Empirical Covariance Functions from Residual Terrain Reduced Altimeter Data, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Contract No. F19628-86-K-0016,OSURF718188, AFG-TR-89-0016, 57 pp, Nov 1988.
- 394: Mueller, Ivan I., Reference Coordinate Systems: An Update, NASA Grant NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 58 pp, Nov, 1988.
- 393: Wang, Yan Ming, Downward Continuation of the Free-Air Gravity Anomalies to the Ellipsoid Using the Gradient Solution, Poisson's Integral and Terrain Correction-Numerical Comparison and the Computations, AFGL Contract F19628-86-K-0016, OSURF 718188, AFGL-TR-88-0199, 37 pp, June 1988.
- 392: Malys, Steve, Dispersion and Correlation Among Transformation Parameters Relating Two Satellite Reference Frames [pdf], MS Thesis, 89 pp, July 1988.
- 391: Baker, Edward, A Finite Element Model of the Earth's Anomalous Gravitational Potential, PhD dissertation, Air Force Contract F19628-82-K-0017, OSURF 714255, 109 pp, June 1988.
- 390: Marussi, Antonio and Joseph Zund, Intrinsic Geodesy, a revised and edited version of the 1952 manuscript by Joseph Zund, 137 pp, June 1988.
- 389: Ramirez, Raul, A Map Representation Theory for the Evaluation of Digital Exchange Formats, PhD dissertation, 142 pp, May 1988.
- 388: Rummel, Reiner, Richard H. Rapp, Hans Suenkel, C. Christian Tscherning,
Comparisons of Global Topographic/Isostatic Models to the Earth's Observed Gravity Field [pdf], NASA Grant NGR 36-008-161, OSURF 783210, 33 pp, Mar 1988.
- 387: Priovolos, George J., Gravity Field Approximation Using the Predictors of Bjerhammar and Hardy, PhD dissertation, AFGL Contract No. F19628-86-K-0016, OSURF Proj. 718188, AFGL TR-88-0114, 129 pp, Mar 1988.
- 386: Pavlis, Nikolaos K.,
Modeling and Estimation of a Low Degree Geopotential Model from Terrestrial Gravity Data [pdf], MS thesis, NASA Grant NAG-5-781, OSURF Proj. 718266, 173 pp, Mar 1988.
- 385*: Engelis, Theodossios, Spherical Harmonic Expansion of the Levitus Sea Surface Topography, NASA Grant NAG 5-781, OSURF Proj. No. 718266, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 44 pp, Oct 1987.
- 384: Dedes, George C., Baseline Estimation from Simultaneous Satellite Laser Tracking, PhD dissertation, NASA NSG 5265, OSURF 711055, 189 pp, Oct 1987.
- 383*: Despotakis, Vasilios K., Geoid Undulation Computations at Laser Tracking Stations, MS thesis, NASA Grant NGR36-008-161, OSURF Proj. 383210, 131 pp, Sep 1987.
- 382: Iz, Huseyin Baki, An Algorithmic Approach to Crustal Deformation Analysis, PhD dissertation, NASA NGS 5265, OSURF 711055, 129 pp, Oct 1987.
- 381*: Greenfeld, Joshua, A Stereo Vision Approach to Automatic Stereo Matching in Photogrammetry, PhD dissertation, NASA 719034, Seed Grant 222124, 137 pp, July 1987.
- 380: Bjerhammar, Arne, Discrete Physical Geodesy, 109 pp, June 1987.
- 379*: Thapa, Khagendra, Detection of Critical Points: The First Step to Automatic Line Generalization, PhD dissertation, 178 pp, June 1987.
- 378: Patias, Petros, Application of Random Field Theory in Mapping Problems, PhD dissertation, 165 pp., June 1987.
- 377: Engelis, Theodossios, Radial Orbit Error Reduction and Sea Surface Topography Determination Using Satellite Altimetry, NASA Grant NAG5-519, OSURF Proj. No. 717044, PhD dissertation, 178 pp, June 1987.
- 376*: Rapp, Richard H. and Jaime Y. Cruz, Spherical Harmonic Expansions of the EarthI`s Gravitational Potential to Degree 360 Using 30" Mean Anomalies, NASA Grant NGR36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 22 pp, Dec 1986.
- 375: Archinal, Brent Allen, Determination of Earth Rotation by the Combination of Data from Different Space Geodetic Systems, PhD dissertation, NASA NGS 5265, OSURF 711055, 91 pp, Feb 1987.
- 374: Knopp, Tom, A Comparison of the African Doppler Survey Project Point Position Results Using Various Softwares, MS thesis, Dept. of Geodetic Science and Surveying, OSU, 102 pp, Feb 1987.
- 373: Mainville, Andre,
The Altimetry-Gravimetry Problem Using Orthonormal Base Functions [pdf], PhD dissertation, 203 pp, Dec 1986.
- 372: Rapp, Richard H. and Jaime Y. Cruz, The Representation of the Earth's Gravitational Potential in a Spherical Harmonic Expansion to Degree 250, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. F19628-86-K-0016, OSURF Proj. No. 718188, Document No. AFGL-TR-86-0191, 64 pp, Sep 1986.
- 371: Cruz, Jaime Y., Ellipsoidal Corrections to Potential Coefficients Obtained from Gravity anomaly Data on the Ellipsoid, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. F19628-86-K-0016, OSURF Proj. No. 718188, Document No. AFGL-TR-86-0178, 33 pp, Aug 1986.
- 370: Wei, Ziqing, Positioning with NAVSTAR, the Global Positioning System, Internal Rept., 139 pp, Oct 1986.
- 369: Szabo Bela, The Estimation of the Earth?sing Various Softwares, MS thesis, Dept. of Geodetic Science and Surveying, OSU, 102 pp, Feb 1987.
- 368: Robbins, John,
Least Squares Collocation Applied to Local Gravimetric Solutions from Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Data [pdf], NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., NASA Grant No. NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 95 pp, Aug 1985.
- 367: Suenkel, Hans, An Isostatic Earth Model, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. F19628-79-K-0017, OSURF Proj. No. 714255, Document No. AFGL-TR-85-0239, 53 pp, Sep 1985.
- 366: Cruz, Jaime Y., Disturbance Vector in Space from Surface Gravity Anomalies Using Complementary Models, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. F19268-K-0022, OSURF Proj. No. 714274, Document No. AFGL-TR-85-0209, Scientific Rpt. No. 10, AD 4166730, 142 pp, Aug 1985.
- 365*: Rapp, Richard H., Detailed Gravity Anomalies and Sea Surface Heights Derived from Geos-3/Seasat Altimeter Data, AFGL, Hanscom AFB Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. F19268-K-0022, OSURF Proj. No. 714274, Document No. AFGL-TR- 85-0191, Scientific Rept. No. 9, 126 pp, Aug 1985.
- 364: Chao, Dingbo and Edward M. Baker, A Study of the Optimization Problem for Calibrating a LaCoste and Romberg ?font-weight: normal;">, AFGL, Hanscom AFB Geophysics Laboratory, Contract No. F19268-K-0022, OSURF Proj. No. 714274, Document No. AFGL-TR- 85-0191, Scientific Rept. No. 9, 126 pp, Aug 1985.
- 363: Wichiencharoen, Chugiat, Recovery of 1-MeanAnomalies in a Local Region from a Low-Low Satellite-to-Satellite TrackingMission, NASA, Grant No. NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 124 pp, Aug 1985.
- 362: Freeden, Willi, Computation of Spherical Harmonics and Approximation by Spherical Harmonic Expansions, AFGL, AFB Geophysics Laboratory, Proj. No. 714255, Contract No. F19628-82- K-0017, 133 pp, Feb 1985, Scientific Rept. No. 8.
- 361*: Rapp, Richard H., The Determination of High Degree Potential Coefficient Expansions from the Combination of Satellite and Terrestrial Gravity Information, AFGL, NASA, Grant No. NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 34 pp, Dec 1984.
- 360: Cruz, Jaime Y. and Piotr Laskowski,
Upward Continuation of Surface Gravity Anomalies [pdf], AFGL, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Proj. No. 714274, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0022, 116 pp, Dec 1984.
- 359: Suenkel, Hans, On the Prediction of the Gravity Disturbance Vector at High Altitudes, Hanscom Air Force Base, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Proj. No. 714255, Scientific Rept. No. 7, Contract No. F19268-82-K-0017, 50 pp, July 1984.
- 358: Hajela, D. P., Optimal Estimation of High Degree Gravity Field from a Global Set of l? x l? Anomalies to Degree and Order 250, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Proj. No. 714274, Scien. Rpt. No. 7, Cont. No. F19628-82-K-0022, AFGL-TR- 84-0263, 60 pp, Aug. 1984.
- 357: Suenkel, Hans,
Splines: Their Equivalence to Collocation [pdf], Hanscom Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Proj. No. 714274, Scientific Rept. No. F19628-82-K-0017, iv+51 pp, Aug 1984.
- 356: Forsberg, Rene, Local Covariance Functions and Density Distribution, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Proj. No. 714274, Scientific Rept. No. 6, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0022, 52 pp, June 1984.
- 355: Forsberg, Rene,
A Study of Terrain Reduction, Density, Anomalies and Geophysical Inversion Methods in Gravity Field Modeling [pdf], AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Proj. No. 713274, Scientific Rept. No. 5, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0022, 129 pp, Apr 1984.
- 354: Merchant, Dean C., Can Dinh, and Mostafa Madani, Research in Analytical Photogrammetry in Application to Transportation Surveys, Ohio Dept of Transportation, State Job No. 142319(0), Final Rept., 183 pp., Aug 1983.
- 353: Suenkel, Hans, The Generation of a Mass Point Model from Surface Gravity Data, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0017, Proj. No. 714255-714256, Scientific Rept. No. 4, 35 pp, Dec 1983.
- 352: Moritz, Helmut, Local Geoid Determination in Mountain Regions, AFGL, Hanscom AFB Contract No. F19628-82-K-0017, Proj. No. 714255-714256, Scientific Rept. No. 5, 47 pp, Dec 1983.
- 351*: Schaffrin, Burkhard, Model Choice and Adjustment Techniques in the Presence of Prior Information, NASA, Grant No. NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 37 pp, Sep 1983.
- 350: Gruen, Armin, A Test Strategy for High Resolution Image Scanners, ARO Contract No. DAAG29-81-D-0100, OSURF Proj. No. 715198, 55 pp, Oct 1983.
- 349: Laskowski, Piotr, The Effect of Vertical Datum Inconsistencies on the Determination of Gravity Related Quantities, AFGL, Hanscom AFB, Contract No. F19628-K-0022, OSURF Proj. No. 714272, Document AFGL-TR-80228 Scientific Rept. No. 4, 87 pp, Aug 1983.
- 348: Bock, Yehuda, On the Time Delay Weight Matrix in VLBI Geodetic Parameter Estimation, NASA, Grant No. NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 28 pp, July 1983.
- 347: Cruz, Jaime, Experiences with Altimeter Data Gridding, NOAA Grant No. NA80AA-D-00070, Proj. No. 713104, 57 pp, June 1983.
- 346: Liang, Chih-Kuo, The Adjustment and Combination of GEOS-3 and Seasat Altimeter Data, NOAA Grant No. NA80AA-D-00070, Proj. No. 713104, June 1983, 68 pp.
- 345: Hajela, D.P. Accuracy Estimates of Gravity Potential Differences Between Western Europe and United States through Lageos Satellite Laser Ranging Network, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0022, Proj. No. 714272, Document No. AFGL-TR-83-0132, Scientific Rept. No. 3, 67 pp, Feb 1983.
- 344: Freeden, Willi, Least Square Approximation by Linear Combinations of (Multi)Poles, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0017, Proj. No. 714255-714256, Scientific Rept. No. 3, 85 pp, Apr 1983.
- 343*: Engelis, Theo, Analysis of Sea Surface Topography Using Seasat Altimeter Data, NASA, Grant No. NGR 36-008-161, AFGL Contract No. F19628-82-K-0022, 97 pp, Mar 1983.
- 342: Moritz, Helmut, Theories of Nutation and Polar Motion III, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-82- K-0017, OSURF Proj. No. 714255, 116 pp, Dec. 1982, Scientific Rept. No. 2.
- 341: Freeden, Willi, On the Permanence Property in Spherical Spline Interpolation, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0017, Proj. No. 714255-714256, Nov 1982, Scientific Rept. No. 1, 88 pp.
- 340: Archinal, Brent Allen, A Comparison of Geodetic Doppler Satellite Receivers, DMA Contract NAS5-2588, OSURF Proj. No. 712407, 107 pp, Nov 1982.
- 339: Rummel, Reiner, Gravity Parameter Estimation from Large Data Sets Using Stabilized Integral Formulas and a Numerical Integration Based on Discrete Point Data, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0027, 32 pp, Sep 1982, AD-A123 397/2.
- 338: Pavlis, Erricos C., On the Geodetic Applications of Simultaneous Range-Differencing to Lageos, NASA, Research Contract NAS5-25888, OSURF Proj. No. 712407, 209 pp, Dec 1982.
- 337: Bock, Yehuda, The Use of Baseline Measurements and Geophysical Models for the Estimation of Crustal Deformations and the Terrestrial Reference System, NASA, Grant No. NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 208 pp, Dec 1982.
- 336: Wichiencharoen, Chugiat, The Indirect Effects on the Computation of Geoid Undulation, NOAA, NASA Grant No. NGS 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 96 pp, Sep 1982.
- 335*: Rapp, Richard H., A Summary of the Results from the OSU Analysis of Seasat Altimeter Data, NOAA, Rockville, Md., Contract No. 78-4326, OSURF Proj. No. 711581, 19 pp, Aug 1982.
- 334: Rapp, Richard H.,
A Fortran Program for the Computation of Gravimetric Quantities from High Degree Spherical Harmonic Expansions [pdf], AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-82-K-0022, OSURF Proj. No. 714274, 23 pp, Sep 1982, AD-A123406/1.
- 333*: Rapp, Richard H., A Global Atlas of Sea Surface Heights Based on the Adjusted Seasat Altimeter Data, NOAA, Contract No. 78-4326, OSURF Proj. No. 711581, 63 pp, Aug 1982.
- 332: Hannah, John, Inertial Rapid Geodetic Survey System (RGSS) Error Models and Network Adjustment, DMA, Contract No. DMA800-79-C-0071, OSURF Proj. No. 712254, 104 pp, Sep 1982.
- 331: Cruz, Jaime Y., Improved Global Prediction of 300-Nautical-Mile Mean Free-Air Anomalies, NASA, Grant No. NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 98 pp, May 1982, N82-32936/8.
- 330: Hannah, John, The Development of Comprehensive Error Models and Network Adjustment Techniques for Inertial Surveys, DMA, Contract No. DMA800-079-C-0071, OSURF Proj. No. 712254, 163 pp, Mar 1982.
- 329: Mueller, Ivan I., Sheng-Yuan Zhu and Yehuda Bock,
Reference Frame Requirements and the MERIT Campaign [pdf], NASA, Grant NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 31 pp, June 1982.
- 328: Suenkel, Hans, Point Mass Models and the Anomalous Gravitational Field, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. 19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711715, 36 pp, Dec 1981, AD-A115 216/4.
- 327: Jekeli, Christopher,
Alternative Methods to Smooth the Earth's Gravity Field [pdf], NASA, Grant No. NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 48 pp, Dec 1981, N82-22821/4.
- 326: Schwarz, Klaus-Peter, Gravity Induced Position Errors in Airborne Inertial Navigation, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. 19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711715, 54 pp, Dec 1981, AD-A113 823/9.
- 325: Rowlands, David, The Adjustment of SEASAT Altimeter Data on a Global Basis for Geoid and Sea Surface Height Determinations, NOAA, Rockville, MD, Contract No. 78-4326, OSURF Proj. No. 711581, 85 pp, Dec 1981.
- 324: Uotila, Urho A., Study of Geodetic and Geophysical Parameters, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. 19628-79-C-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711715, Final Rept., 29 pp, Dec 1981, AD-A113 353/7.
- 323: Jekeli, Christopher,
The Downward Continuation to the Earth's Surface of Truncated Spherical and Ellipsoidal Harmonic Series of the Gravity and Height Anomalies [pdf], AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. 19628-C-79-9927, AFGL-TR-0361, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, 140 pp, Dec 1981, AD-A112 237/3.
- 322*: Rapp, Richard H., The Earth's Gravity Field to Degree and Order 180 Using Seasat Altimeter Data, Terrestrial Gravity Data, and Other Data, AFGL, Hanscom AFB, MA, Contract No. F19628-C-79-0027, AFGL-TR-82-0019,OSURF Proj. No. 711664, 52 pp, Dec 1981, AD-A113 098/8.
- 321: Krieg, Lenny A., Mathematical Modelling of the Behavior of the LaCoste and Romberg Suenkel, Hans, Point Mass Models and the Anomalous Gravitational Field, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. 19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711715, 36 pp, Dec 1981, AD-A115 216/4.
- 320: Zhu, Sheng Yuan, Prediction of Earth Rotation and Polar Motion, NASA, Grant No. NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711l055, 33 pp, Sep 1981, N82-16637/2.
- 319: Zhu, Zhuowen, The Stokes Problem for the Ellipsoid Using Ellipsoidal Kernels, NASA, Grant NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No.783210, 19 pp, June 1981, N82-229212.
- 318*: Moritz, Helmut, Theories of Nutation and Polar Motion II, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. 19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711l715, Scientific Rept. No. 8, 175 pp, Sep 1981, AD-A108 999/4.
- 317*: Colombo, Oscar L., Global Geopotential Modelling from Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, Scientific Rept. No. 10, 137 pp, Oct 1981, AD-A111 872/8.
- 316: Hajela, D. P., A Simulation Study to Test the Prediction of l? x l? Mean Gravity Anomalies Using Least Squares Collocation From the Gravsat Mission, AFGL, Hanscom Air ForceBase, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, Scientific Rept. No. 8, 52 pp, AD-A108 867/3.
- 315: Suenkel, Hans, The Estimation of Free-Air Anomalies, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711l715, Scientific Rept. No. 9, 72 pp, Sep 1981, AD-A108 880/6.
- 314: Katsambalos, Kostas E., Simulation Studies on the Computation of the Gravity Vector in Space from Surface Date Considering the Topography of the Earth, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, Scientific Rept. No. 8, 136 pp, June 1981, AD-A109 856/5.
- 313: Meissl, Peter, The Use of Finite Elements in Physical Geodesy, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711715, Scientific Rept. No. 7, 201 pp, Apr 1981, AD-A104 l64/9.
- 312: Suenkel, Hans, Cardinal Interpolation, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. Fl9628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711715, Scientific Rept. No. 6, 100 pp, Mar 1981, AD-A102 684/8.
- 311*: Suenkel, Hans,
Feasibility Studies for the Prediction of the Gravity Disturbance Vector in High Altitudes [pdf], AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No.71l715, Scientific Rept. No. 5, 53 pp, Mar 1981, AD-A102 943/8.
- 310*: Colombo, Oscar L.,
Numerical Methods for Harmonic Analysis on the Sphere [pdf], AFGL TR-81-0038Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, Scientific Rept. No. 7, 140 pp, Oct 1980, AD-A104 178/9.
- 309: Moritz, Helmut, Theories of Nutation and Polar Motion I, AFGL Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0075, OSURF Proj. No. 711715, Scientific Rept. No. 4, 146 pp, Dec 1980, AD-A909 015/0.
- 308: Rapp, Richard H., Ellipsoidal Corrections for Geoid Undulation Computations, NASA, Grant No. NGR36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 21 pp, Mar 1981, N81-25603/4.
- 307: Rapp, Richard H. and Christopher Jekeli,
Accuracy of the Determination of Mean Anomalies and Mean Geoid Undulations from a Satellite Gravity Field Mapping Mission [pdf], NASA, Grant No. NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 24 pp, N81-12669/0.
- 306: Rummel, Reiner, Geoid Heights, Geoid Differences, and Mean Gravity Anomalies from Low-Low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking An Error Analysis, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, 17 pp, June 1980, AD-A092 707/9.
- 305: Hannah, John and Despina E. Pavlis, Post-Mission Adjustment Techniques for Inertial Surveys, DMA Hydrographic/Topographic Center, Contract No. DMA800-79-C- 0071, OSURF Proj. No. 712254, 94 pp, Oct 1980.
- 304: Merchant, Dean C., Applied Research in Analytical Photogram-metry, Ohio Dept. of Transporta-tion, State Job No. 14324(0), Final Rept, 69 pp, May 1980.
- 303: Katsambalos, Kostas E., Comparison of Some Undulation Pre-diction Techniques from Altimeter Data, NOAA, Contract No. 78-4326, OSURF Proj. No. 711581, 28 pp, July 1980.
- 302: Mueller, Ivan I., Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics: A Preview, Invited for presentation at IAU Colloquium No. 56 on Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics, Warsaw, Poland, Sept 8-12, 1980, 33 pp, N81-12525/4.
- 301: Jekeli, Christopher,
Reducing the Error of Geoid Undulation Computations by Modifying Stokes' Function [pdf], NASA, Grant NGR 36-008-161, OSURF Proj. No. 783210, 50 pp, May 1980, N80-27872/4.
- 300: Rapp, Richard H., Comparison of Potential Coefficient Determinations with 5 and l Anomalies, AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, Contract No. F19628-79-C-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, Scientific Rept. No. 5, 11?F Proj. No. 783210, 50 pp, May 1980, N80-27872/4.
- 299: Fell, Patrick J., Geodetic Positioning Using a Global Positioning System of Satellites, NASA, Grant No. NSG 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 279 pp, June 1980, N80-33991/4.
- 298: Bock, Yehuda, A VLBI Variance-Covariance Analysis Inter-active Computer Program, NASA, Grant No. NS 5265, OSURF Proj. No. 711055, 193 pp, May 1980, N81-11593/3.
- 297*: Eren, Kamil, Spectral Analysis of GEOS-3 Altimeter Data and Fre-quency Domain Collocation, Grant No. NSG 5275, NASA, 151 pp, Feb 1980, N80-21823/3.
- 296: Colombo, Oscar L.,
A World Vertical Network [pdf], AFGL, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA Contract No. F19628-79-C-0027, OSURF Proj. No. 711664, Scientific Rept. No. 4, 63 pp, Feb. 1980, AD-A086 011/4.
- 288: Jekeli, Christopher,
Global Accuracy Estimates of Point and Mean Undulation Differences, Gravity Anomalies, and Potential Coefficients [pdf], iv+50 pp, May 1979.
- 240: Moritz, H.,
Covariance Functions in Least-Squares Collocation [pdf], iv + 79 pp, June 1976.
- 235: Leick, Alfred, and Boudewijn H.W. van Gelder,
On Similarity Transformations and Geodetic Network Distortions Based on Doppler Satellite [pdf] On Similarity Transformations and Geodetic Network Distortions Based on Doppler Satellite , vii+145 pp, December 1975.
- 225: Tscherning, C.C.,
Covariance Expressions for Second and Lower Order Derivatives of the Anomalous Potential [pdf], iii + 62, January 1976.
- 213: Tscherning, C.C.,
Some Simple Methods for the Unique Assignment of a Density Distribution to a Harmonic Function [pdf], iii+17 pp., August 1974.
- 212: Tscherning, C.C.,
A FORTRAN IV Program for the Determination of the Anomalous Potential Using Stepwise Least Squares Collocation [pdf], iv + 125 pp, July 1974.
- 208: Tscherning, C.C. and R.H. Rapp,
Closed Covariance Expressions for Gravity Anomalies, Geoid Undulations, and Deflections of the Vertical Implied by Anomaly Degree Variance Models [pdf], v + 89 pp., May 1974.
- 203: Moritz, H.,
Stepwise and Sequential Collocation [pdf], vii + 43 pp, July 1973.
- 201: Reed, G.B.,
Application of Kinematical Geodesy for Determining the Short Wave Length Components of the Gravity Field by Satellite Gradiometry [pdf] Application of Kinematical Geodesy for Determining the Short Wave Length Components of the Gravity Field by Satellite Gradiometry, xi + 164 pp, March 1973.
- 175: Moritz, Helmut,
Advanced Least-Squares Methods [pdf], iv+129 pp, June 1972.
- 165: Moritz, Helmut,
Kinematical Geodesy II [pdf], iii+54 pp, October 1971.
- 151: Meissl, Peter,
A Study of Covariance Functions Related to the Earth's Disturbing Potential [pdf], iv+88 pp, April 1971.
- 150: Blaha, Georges,
Investigation of Critical Configurations for Fundamental Range Networks [pdf], NASA, Grant NGL 36-008-093, OSURF Proj. No. 2514, xi+274 pp, March 1971.
- 149: Needham, Paul E.,
The Formation and Evaluation of Detailed Geopotential Models Based on Point Masses [pdf], xi+252 pp, December 1970.
- 124: Badekas, John,
Investigations Related to the Establishment of a World Geodetic System [pdf] Investigations Related to the Establishment of a World Geodetic System, viii+181 pp, June 1969.
- 62: Rapp, Richard H.,
A FORTRAN Program for the Upward Continuation of Gravity Anomalies [pdf], v+70 pp, February 1966.
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