GS 5636 - Geovisualization Geometry
Instructor: Saalfeld
Credits: 4
Lecture Time: MWF 9:10 - 10:05
Lab Time: TBD
GS 5652 - Adjustment Computations
Instructor: Schaffrin
Credits: 5
Lecture Time: MW 3:00 - 5:05
Lab Time: TBD
GS 5660 - Geometric Reference Systems
Instructor: Jekeli
Credits: 4
Lecture Time: MWF 11:30 - 12:25
Lab Time: TBD
GS 5781 - Geodesy and Geodynamics
Instructor: Bevis
Credits: 3
Lecture Time: TR 4:10-5:05
Lab Time: N/A
GS 7763 - Advanced Adjustment Computations
Instructor: Schaffrin
Credits: 4
Lecture Time: MW 1:50 - 2:45
Lab Time: N/A
GS 6786 - Geospatial Data Structures for Computer Mapping and GIS
Instructor: Saalfeld
Credits: 3
Lecture Time: MWF 10:20-11:15
Lab Time: TBD
GS 7875 - Spectral Methods in Geodesy
Instructor: Jekeli
Credits: 3
Lecture Time: MWF 9:10-10:05; T 9:35-10:30 Sess.1
Lab Time: TBD
GS 8873 - Advanced Satellite Geodesy
Instructor: Shum
Credits: 3
Lecture Time: TR 11:10 - 12:25
Lab Time: TBD
ES 5641 - Geostatistics
Instructor: Jekeli
Credits: 3
Lecture Time: MWF 9:10-10:05; T 9:35-10:30 Sess.2
Lab Time: TBD
ES 5655 - Land Surface Hydrology
Instructor: Durand
Credits: 3
Lecture Time: R 2:20-3:40
Lab Time: TBD