Climate Change Fundamentals Certificate (undergrad only)

Climate Change Fundamentals Certificate

The 12-14 credit hour Climate Change Fundamentals (CCF) certificate will provide undergraduate students with an interdisciplinary certificate to comprehensively understand Earth system science and human dimensions of climate change for 21st-century citizens.

Note: Certificates are not offered online – they are strictly in-person.


  • 12-15 required credit hours
  • Maximum of 50% overlap with degree program (i.e. major, minor, other certificate, or GE)
  • A minimum C- grade for the course to be listed on the certificate.
  • A minimum 2.00 cumulative point-hour ratio is required for the certificate (3.0 for graduate students).
  • X193 credits are not permitted.
  • If the certificate is incomplete on the DAR, the student must consult with the College of Arts and Sciences Coordinating Advisor.
  • The certificate program form must be filed at least by the time the graduation application is submitted to a college/school counselor.
  • Once the certificate program is filed in the college office, any changes must be approved by the College of Arts and Sciences Coordinating Advisor.

Required Coursework

One introductory course (3-4 units)

  • EARTHSC/EEOB/HIST 2911: Climate Change: Mechanisms, Impacts, and Mitigation (4 units)
  • GEOG 3900: Global Climate Change: Causes and Consequences (3 units)
  • GEOG 3901H: Global Climate and Environmental Change (3 units)

One Climate System Science course (3 units)

  • ENVENG 4281: Measurement and Modeling of Climate Change (3 units)
  • ATMOSSOC 5901: Climate System Modeling: Basics and Applications (3 units)
  • GEOG 5900: Weather, Climate and Global Warming (3 units)
  • EARTHSC/GEOG 4911: Earth’s Climate: Past and Future (3 units)
  • ENR/EARTHSC 5268: Soils and Climate Change (3 units)
  • PUBHEHS 4325: Climate Change and Human Health (online) (3 units)

One human Natural Systems course (3 units)

  • ENR 4450: Climate Change Policy (3 units)
  • ENR 3400: Psychology of Environmental Problems (3 units)
  • GEOG or ENGLISH 3597.03: Environmental Citizenship (3 units)
  • AEDE 4320: Energy, the Environment, and the Economy (3 units)
  • CRPLAN 3550: Environmental Planning and Policy for a Sustainable Future (3 units)

One Capstone Experience course (3-4 units)

  • ENR 4900.01: Environment and Natural Resources Management (3 units)
  • ENR/AEDECON 4567: Assessing Sustainability: Project Experience (3 units)
  • PUBAFRS 5620: Rapid Innovation for Public Impact (4 units)
  • ENVENG 4090: Environmental Engineering Capstone Design (3 units)
  • EARTHSC/GEOG 5194: Group Studies (3 units)

Advising information

Director of Undergraduate Studies (Earth Sciences): Professor Ann Cook,

Undergraduate Academic Advisor (Earth Sciences): Dr. Karen Royce,, 614-292-6961