Depending on whether you decide to pursue post-graduate work or not, you will spend four to nine years in college. You will then spend the the next forty to fifty years working. Your career will likely become a very large part of who you are and how you define yourself. Therefore, the decisions you make today regarding that career will have a significant influence on the rest of your life. Your professors are doing an outstanding job of preparing you for your career but unless you plan to go into academics, they may not the best people with whom to discuss career options.They are experts as regards their own career choice. They may not be as familiar with other choices.
That is where we come in. We are alumni of the School of Earth Sciences and we would like to help you make the journey to that next important stage of your life – your career. We are experts in each of the geoscience careers that you may elect to pursue, from oil and gas, to geodesy, to environmental geology, to CCUS, to scientific writing. We live those careers. We range from grizzled old veterans to recent graduates and we can spell out the pros and cons of each of the geoscience career paths. We can help you understand what is truly involved in the various job opportunities in the geosciences that you may come across.
It is said that if you love your job you will never work a day in your life. Each of us has achieved great satisfaction in our careers and we want you to feel the same about your future careers. Therefore we encourage you to contact us with any and all questions you may have regarding those careers. Our bios are listed below as well as keywords to help you quickly decide who you may want to contact for career advice.