
"You can never pay back; but you can always pay forward." - Woody Hayes

Your gift to the School of Earth Sciences at The Ohio State University helps shape the next generation of Earth scientists, supports groundbreaking research, and maintains our tradition of excellence in geoscience education. Every contribution makes a difference in our ability to provide outstanding educational experiences and advance our understanding of Earth systems.

Scholarships and General Use Funds

Kaarina and Weikko A. Heiskanen Fund (#603090)

Supports excellence in geodetic science through two awards: a major award ($200 minimum) recognizing outstanding contributions to geodesy, and a secondary award ($100 minimum) supporting promising teaching or research assistants in geodesy. Established 1964.

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Susie L. Shipley Undergraduate Scholarship Fund (#313798)

Provides scholarships to Earth Sciences undergraduates with a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need. Awarded annually at the spring awards banquet.

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Kresge Endowment Fund for Computer Visualization Laboratory in Geological Sciences (#603820)

Supports the maintenance and upgrade of computer hardware in the visualization laboratory. Established in 1995 through gifts from alumni, corporations, foundations, faculty, students, and friends.

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Geodetic Science Support Fund (#315867)

Promotes and supports geodetic science research and education through student support, including tuition, stipends, travel, and research expenses. A faculty committee makes selections with industry input.

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Geophysics Excellence Fund (#309633)

Supports teaching and research programs in geophysics within the Department of Geological Sciences.

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Hydrogeology Support Fund (#308083)

Provides general support for research and teaching initiatives in hydrogeology.

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Petroleum Geology Fund (#301392)

Provides support for petroleum geology education and research initiatives.

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Sedimentary Basins Research Fund (#309132)

Supports research in sedimentary basin studies in the School of Earth Sciences.

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Geology Department Support Fund (#302040)

Provides flexible funding for urgent academic needs, research priorities, and community-building events within Earth Sciences.

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Patricia Miller Fund for the School of Earth Sciences (#315681)

Supports emerging needs and priorities as determined by the School director. Established through Patricia Miller's estate gift.

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Alphyl Endowment Fund (#600122)

Supports Earth Systems Education efforts in Ohio and nationwide, guided by faculty representatives from the College, Department of Geological Sciences, and School of Natural Resources.

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Young Geologists Fund (#305528)

Supports geoscience education initiatives for fourth and fifth-grade students.

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Bevis Geodynamics Group Support Fund (#312861)

Supports Dr. Bevis' research, including travel, equipment, and personnel expenses.

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Coral Research Fund (#313775)

Supports Dr. Andréa Grottoli's coral research initiatives. Should she leave OSU,  the funds should be used to support graduate student research in aquatic sciences, biogeochemistry, or paleoclimatology.

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Dr. Frank Schwartz New Venture Support Fund (#301046)

Supports Dr. Schwartz's research initiatives and projects.

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Dr. Loren E. Babcock Sedimentary Geology Support Fund (#306113)

Provides support for Dr. Babcock's research activities in sedimentary geology.

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Dr. Thomas Darrah Research Fund (#315682)

Supports Dr. Darrah's teaching, research, and service activities. Should residual funds remain upon dissolution of the Darrah lab/research initiatives, residual funds will be used at the discretion of the director of the School of Earth Sciences.

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Fuller Conservation Endowment Fund (#602366)

Supports research at 'The Wilds' on hydrological and surficial geological landscape restoration following a human disturbance.

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Ice Core Paleoclimate Research Endowment Fund (#643365)

Established in 2003 through Dr. Lonnie G. Thompson's Heineken Prize. Funds support research activities of the ice core paleoclimate research group to acquire a global array of ice cores that provide high-resolution climatic and environmental histories and preserve the ice core archive in storage facilities at the OSU.

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Ice Core Research Endowment Fund (#603354)

Established in 2003 through Drs. Lonnie G. Thompson and Ellen Mosley-Thompson's 2002 Common Wealth Award of Distinguished Service. Supports research activities of the ice core research paleoclimate group for acquiring a global array of ice cores that provide high-resolution climatic and environmental histories and preserving the ice core archive in storage facilities at Ohio State. If the ice core group ceases to exist, the fund supports the maintenance of the frozen archive.

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Mirror Lake Water Science Learning Lab Fund (#316612)

Provides general support for the Mirror Lake Water Science Learning Lab. Expenditures at the discretion of the School of Earth Sciences director or his/her designee.

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OSEP Fund for Mirror Lake Water Science Learning Lab (#316615)

Provides resource support for Mirror Lake Lab research initiatives.

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Plasma Spectroscopy - J. Olesik (#309568)

Supports research and activities in plasma spectroscopy within the School.

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Third World Mapping (#313332)

Supports the creation of low-cost maps for developing nations' economic development.

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Water, Health, Energy, and the Environment Support Fund (#315273)

Supports research and education initiatives in water, health, energy, and environmental studies.

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Jim Collinson and Jay and Laura Moffitt Field Camp Scholarship Fund (#641436)

Supports students attending Geology Field Camp, established in 2020 by John and Laura Moffitt.

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John Lieftinck Field Camp Fund (#315822)

Provides minimum $500 scholarships for geology majors attending Utah field camp.

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SES Field Camp Experience Travel Fund (#641882)

Provides support for field camp participation, established by Mike and Cynthia Morgan.

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SES Geology Field Camp (#318130)

Discretionary fund covering all field camp-related expenses.

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Zinni Family Field Camp Scholarship Fund in Memory of Dr. Henry Wendon (#316509)

Supports field camp attendance with preference for students showing financial need and 3.0+ GPA.

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Orton Museum Support Fund (#308759)

Provides unrestricted support for the Orton Geological Museum's operations and development.

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Tom Steckel Endowed Fund for the Orton Museum (#646905)

Supports museum activities, including displays, preservation efforts, and new exhibits. It also provides support for the position of museum curator.

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The Ian Whillans Fund in Geological Sciences (#310373)

Supports the School's lecture series, bringing distinguished speakers to campus.

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Karen Cleveland Memorial Fund for Field Experiences (#313453)

Supports field trips and field-based activities for the Geology Club and other Earth Sciences programs.

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School of Earth Sciences Graduate Club Support Fund (#318283)

Supports activities and initiatives of the School of Earth Sciences Graduate Club.

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Undergraduate Geology Club Support Fund (#318282)

Provides general support for Undergraduate Geology Club activities and initiatives.

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Stig Bergstrom School of Earth Sciences Recruiting Fund (317885)

Supports undergraduate (first preference), graduate, and PhD student recruiting efforts for Earth Sciences. The Fund may be used for, but is not limited to, events, social media, videos, and printed materials.

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Charles E. Corbato Memorial Fund for Field Geoscience Education (#317336)

Supports field-based research opportunities for OSU students.

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David E. Little Memorial Fund (#309932)

Assists students with analytical instrumentation costs for research purposes.

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Altair Resources Conference Travel Fund (#313522)

Supports five graduate or undergraduate students annually with travel expenses to petroleum industry-related conferences such as AAPG, SEG, and SPE or conferences with recruiters.

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Arthur Mirsky Geology Fellowship Endowment Fund (#484194)

Provides fellowships for academically promising students enrolled in a geological sciences degree program at the School of Earth Sciences, with a preference for those interested in geological research in polar areas.

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Colin Bull Scholarship Fund in Earth Sciences (#313524)

Supports student research at Earth Sciences and Byrd Polar Climate and Research Center.

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Daniel A. Busch Petroleum Graduate Student Assistance Fund (#640995)

Supports graduate students in petroleum geology.

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E. Scott Bair Fund (#660268)

Supports students studying hydrogeology.

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Edmund M. Spieker Memorial Scholarship Fund (#606869)

Supports scholarships for geological sciences students.

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Friends of Orton Hall (#642307)

Supports undergraduate research and graduate thesis/dissertation work.

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Goldthwait Geology Fund (#602635)

Provides scholarships and other support as determined by the department chair.

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J. Ernest Carman Geology Fellowship (#601128)

Provides a fellowship in the Department of Geological Sciences for a student interested in and expecting to choose a dissertation on Ohio geology.

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James R. Baroffio Fellowship Fund in Geological Sciences (#640320)

Supports fellowship in the Department of Geological Sciences for a student performing fieldwork as part of thesis or dissertation research. If not possible, distribution supports a department fellowship for a student exhibiting exceptional ability and promise. Unused distribution is reinvested to the principal.

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Joan Echols Scholarship Fund (#641880)

Provides scholarships for undergraduate and graduate geology majors.

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John Adams Bownocker Fund (#600679)

Supports scholarships for geological sciences students.

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Joseph and Marcia Newhart Scholarship Fund (#645151)

Supports scholarships for Earth Sciences students.

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Knabe Endowment Fund for Stratigraphic Research in Geology (#643739)

Provides scholarships for tuition, internships, and research competitions to students in the School of Earth Sciences studying or conducting research in Stratigraphy or Paleontology.

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Knabe Family Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Earth Sciences (#483950)

Provides one or more scholarships to undergraduate students in the School of Earth Sciences, with preference given to candidates in their third year or above.

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Lois M. Jones Fellowship Fund in Geological Sciences (#603487)

Provides one-year fellowships for doctoral students with proven academic ability and potential in the geological sciences. Unused income supports graduate students' summer employment within the department, fees and travel expenses for scientific conferences, and visiting lecturers selected by the students or reinvested to the principal.

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Marcus J. and Lottie C. Lieberman Scholarship In Geological Sciences (#604208)

Provides undergraduate scholarships in the School of Earth Sciences.

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Michael S. Johnson Graduate Student Assistance Fund (#643469)

Supports well-rounded, academically outstanding graduate students.

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Minority Support - School of Earth Science (#308587)

Provides support for minority students in Earth Sciences.

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Shell Camp – Earth Science Students (#312555)

Supports field experience and career training during Spring Break.

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Shell Doctoral Fellowship (#307218)

Provides fellowships for full-time doctoral candidates.

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Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Fund (#316587)

Supports undergraduate students who choose to participate in summer research opportunities through the School of Earth Sciences. Can support all expenses related to these opportunities, including but not limited to travel, supplies, and materials.

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William A. Toivonen Scholarship Fund in The School of Earth Sciences (#303029)

Supports graduate and undergraduate field research.

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William J. Buschman Scholarship Fund in Earth Sciences (#641000)

Provides scholarships as recommended by the School director and approved by the Arts and Sciences dean.

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William J. McCaughey Fellowship in Mineralogy (#604605)

Provides fellowship stipends for mineralogy students.

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William W. and Louisa Castor Memorial Award Fund (#601171)

Provides awards to outstanding graduate students.

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Willis E. 'Bill' Rector Endowed Scholarship Fund In Geological Sciences (#605975)

Supports geology students demonstrating academic achievement, character, and financial need.

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Kenneth 'K.O.' Stanley Field Travel Endowment Fund in Geology (#666868)

Used for expenses for non-traditional trips that represent exceptional field learning opportunities for students and faculty. These may include but are not limited to travel, lodging, and equipment.

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