

Maya Wei-Haas

Maya Wei-Haas Wins AGU Award

Congratulations to the School of Earth Sciences alum Dr. Maya Wei-Haas on being awarded the David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism from the American Geophysical Union!

Artificial Islands

Chen Researches Using AFIs To Remove Nutrients From Water

Zhaozhe Chen, a graduate student under Dr. Ozeas Costas Jr. has spent the last year completing the research for his thesis. He has been constructing and testing artificial floating islands for…

Professor Thompson cuts fresh ice core

The Professors Thompson ice cores provide perspective on past pandemics

Prof Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley Thompson were recently interviewed by The Conversation. They describe how pandemics leave evidence in ice cores. For example: 

Some …

Saving the Greenland Ice Sheet

Dr. Michalea King joins Secretary John Kerry for a conversation on saving the Greenland ice sheet, global warming, and all things climate

Our recent PhD graduate, Dr. Michalea King, had a 45-minute long conversation about ice sheets and climate change with John Kerry on September 24,2020 as part of the "World War Zero" project…

Director of Earth Sciences, W. Berry Lyons.

Professor W. Berry Lyons awarded SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research

Our own Professor W. Berry Lyons has been awarded the 2020 SCAR Medal for Excellence in Antarctic Research. Congratulations, Professor Lyons!

To learn more about the SCAR Medal, click here…

News- King,Michalea summer 2020

Nature publication led by Dr. Michalea King reveals warming Greenland ice sheet passes point of no return

Our own newly-minted PhD – Dr. Michalea King – was recently featured in the Ohio State News for her research on Greenland glaciers recently published in Nature Communications Earth &…


Congratulations to our 2021 Knauss Fellows, Kerri Dobson and Jamie Price!

We are proud to announce that graduate students Kerri Dobson and Jamie Price have been selected as fellows for the 2021 John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program!

To learn…
Photo of Zoom meeting participants

Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Network Virtual Workshop 2020

Temperature stress is the single largest threat to coral reefs globally and the focal topic of the Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Network (CBRCN). Funded by the US National Science…