
Predicting Future Alaskan Landslides
SES Alum and Senior Research Associate at Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Dr. Chunli Dai was recently featured in the College of Arts and Sciences' College News for her research…

SES Professor Andréa Grottoli Featured in Springer 2020 World Oceans Day Campaign
Publishing company Springer featured a story entitled "Raising our Voice for Coral Reefs on World Oceans Day" by Earth Sciences professor Andréa Grottoli as part of its 2020 World…

SES Professor Tom Darrah Tapped to Lead the OSU Global Water Institute
School of Earth Sciences faculty member Tom Darrah has been selected to become the new executive director of The Ohio State University Global Water…

Creating New Traditions for Graduation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Ohio State commencement ceremony was conducted virtually. Generally held in Ohio Stadium, spring commencement…

SES Professor C.K. Shum Collaborates with Mershon Center on Study of Migration Crisis in Bangladesh
School of Earth Sciences professor and Distinguished University Scholar C.K. Shum, in collaboration with the Ohio State University's Mershon Center, has been researching how climate…

New Study Co-Authored by SES Professor Michael Bevis Finds "Wobble" Before 2011 Japan Earthquake
The land masses of Japan "wobbled" in the months leading up to a devastating magnitude-9.0 earthquake in 2011, new research shows. A new study co-authored by Earth Sciences professor Michael Bevis…

Wendy Panero Joins ASC Podcast to Discuss High Pressure Work
Earth Sciences professor Wendy Panero joins History professor and host David Staley on this week's "Voices of Excellence." She discusses her practical and theoretical work studying the…

Michael Braunagel Receives 2020 ASC Graduate Student Award for Teaching Excellence
Congratulations to School of Earth Sciences Ph.D. candidate Michael Braunagel for receiving the College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Award for Teaching Excellence. This year, College of…