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Franco S. Sobrero

Franco Sobrero

Franco S. Sobrero

PhD Candidate in Geodetic Science


Mendenhall Lab 075
125 South Oval Mall
Columbus OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Geodesy
  • Geodynamics
  • GNSS time series
  • Geodetic reference frames
  • Coseismic and postseismic deformation
  • Surface gravity surveys
  • Gravity networks adjustment
  • Solid Earth geophysics


  • Ph.D., Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University (in progress)
  • M.Sc., Geodetic Science (Geodynamics), The Ohio State University, 2018
  • B.S., Surveying Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, 2015
  • Academic Exchange, Geography and Land-Use Planning, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 2014

Graduate Research Associate

Advisor: Prof. Michael Bevis

Co-Advisor: Prof. Demián Gómez

Research interests

My research focuses on geometrical geodesy and geophysics. I use precise GNSS data to model co and postseismic surface deformation caused by large megathrust earthquakes. I am interested in studying the effects of these geodynamic processes on the realization and maintenance of geodetic reference frames.  I also work on the optimization of relative gravity measurement protocols, and the adjustment of gravity networks at a regional scale in South America.


Gómez, D.D., Guagni, H., Ibarra, F., Cimbaro, S., Figueroa, M., Sobrero, F.S. (2024). Densificación del modelo de predicción de trayectorias GNSS VEL-Ar utilizando datos de interferometría satelital. El Ojo del Condor, 13, 60-63

Gómez, D., Figueroa, M., Sobrero, F.S., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D., Kendrick, E. (2023). On the determination of coseismic deformation models to improve access to geodetic reference frame conventional epochs in low density GNSS networks. Journal of Geodesy. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-023-01734-0

Gómez, D.D., Bevis, M., Smalley, R., Durand, M., Willis, M.J., Caccamise, D.J., Kendrick, E., Skvarca, P., Sobrero, F.S., Parra, H., Casassa, G. (2022) Transient ice loss in the Patagonia Icefields during the 2015–2016 El Niño event. Scientific Reports 12, 9553. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-13252-8

Sobrero, F.S., Bevis, M., Gómez D.D., Wang, F. (2020). Logarithmic and exponential transients in GNSS trajectory models as indicators of dominant processes in post-seismic deformation. Journal of Geodesyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-020-01413-4

Brunetto, E., Sobrero, F.S., Gimenez, M. E. (2017) Quaternary deformation and stress field in the Rio de la Plata Craton (Southeastern South America). Journal of South American Earth Scienceshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2017.04.010

Sobrero, F.S., Brunetto, E. (2015) Satellite geodetic data in the analysis of the seismic hazard on faults in an intracratonic setting of the SE South America. Miscellanea INGV. Vol 27. 463-466. ISSN 2039-6651

Sobrero, F.S., Ramonell, C.G, Pereira, M.S. (2014) Morphological changes of the main channel of the Paraná river in Argentina, from 19th century to the present. AquaLAC. Vol 6. N° 1. Pages 50-62. ISSN 1688-2873. https://doi.org/10.29104/phi-aqualac/2014-v6-1-07 

Presentations in Workshops and Scientific Conferences

Figueroa, M., Sobrero, F.S., Gomez, D., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D., Kendrick, E. (2024). Microplate behaviour of the Andes during co- and early postseismic phases of the seismic cycle. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12909, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12909, 2024.

Sobrero, F.S., Bevis, M.G., Gómez, D.D., Ahlgren, K., Heck, J., Echalar, A. (2023). A new software for robust adjustment of gravity networks based on a novel measurement protocol. Poster. IUGG 2023 General Assembly. Berlin, Germany

Figueroa, M., Sobrero, F.S., Gomez, D., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D., Kendrick, E. (2023). VEL-Ar 2.0: The updated trajectory prediction model for Argentina. Poster. IUGG 2023 General Assembly. Berlin, Germany.

Sobrero, F.S. (2022). Reference Frames, Transformations and GIS. Oral Presentation. FIG Technical Seminar: Refrence Frames in Practice. Santiago, Chile. Nov 2022.

Sobrero, F.S., Gómez, D.D., Figueroa, M, Caccamise, D.J., Álvarez, A., Mackern, M.V. (2022). On the geodetic capacity assessment in the Americas. Poster. SIRGAS Symposium 2022. Santiago, Chile.

Figueroa, M., Gomez, D., Sobrero, F.S., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D., Kendrick, E. (2022). Coseismic Deformation Models in Low Density GNSS Networks: A new methodology to provide access to reference frame conventional epochs. Presented at SIRGAS 2022 Symposium in Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Sobrero, F.S. (2019). Evaluación de funciones logarítmicas y exponenciales en modelos de trayectorias GPS/GNSS como indicadores de procesos dominantes de deformación post-sísmica. Oral Presentation. XII National Conference on Land Surveying. Mendoza, Argentina

Sobrero, F.S., Bevis, M., Brown, A., Bedford, J., Gómez, D.D., Brown, A., Wang, F. (2017). Evaluating GPS station trajectory models for postseismic transient deformation: logarithmic versus exponential forms. Poster session. AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, USA

Sobrero, F.S. (2015). Estudio geodinámico en un área de intraplaca a partir de observaciones GNSS. Oral presentation. V Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Agrimensura. Santa Fe, Argentina

Sobrero, F.S., Brunetto, E. (2015). Satellite geodetic data in the analysis of the seismic hazard on faults in an intracratonic setting of the SE South America. Poster session. VI INQUA Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology. Pescina, Italy

Sobrero, F.S., Brunetto, E. (2014). Uso de datos geodésicos satelitales en el análisis del campo de deformación en un ambiente intracratónico de América del Sur. Oral presentation. Workshop of the South America Risk Assessment Project, INQUA. Santiago, Chile

Sobrero, F.S., Ramonell, C.G., Pereira, S. (2013). Evolución morfológica (ca. 1850–2010) del cauce principal del río Paraná en su tramo medio. Oral presentation. VI Simposio Regional sobre Hidráulica de Ríos. Santa Fe, Argentina

Sobrero, F.S., Ramonell, C.G. (2013). Configuraciones del cauce principal del rio Paraná en los siglos XIX y XX evaluadas desde cartografía de navegación de pequeña escala. Oral presentation. XXI Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de AUGM. Corrientes, Argentina

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