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Michael Bevis

Headshot of Professor Mike Bevis

Michael Bevis

Professor, Ohio Eminent Scholar


(614) 247-5071

Mendenhall Lab 323C

Areas of Expertise

  • Geodesy
  • Geodynamics
  • Geophysics
  • GPS Meteorology
  • Climate Change


  • Ph.D. Cornell University 1982

Michael Bevis leads the Geodesy and Geodynamics (G2) group in the Division of Geodetic Science. He has worked as a space geodesist since the late 1980s, mostly focusing on crustal motion geodesy, GPS meteorology, and the definition and realization of geometrical reference frames. In the last decade, Bevis has also worked in physical geodesy, engaging in terrestrial gravity measurement in mountain chains and in the theory underpinning global gravity modeling. Bevis and his group use geodesy to investigate many aspects of earth system dynamics, including plate tectonics, the earthquake deformation cycle, mountain building, postglacial rebound, elastic loading phenomena, sea-level change, and water vapor dynamics and climatology. They have built geodetic networks in the South Pacific, the Andes, Greenland, and Antarctica.


Interview with Dr. Bevis

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