Demián Gómez

Demián  Gómez

Demián Gómez

Assistant Professor

(901) 900-7324

Mendenhall Lab 321
125 South Oval Mall, Columbus OH 43210

Google Map

Areas of Expertise

  • Geodesy
  • Geophysics
  • Finite element modeling
  • Earthquake cycle
  • Ionospheric total electron content disturbances
  • Orographic gravity waves


  • Ph.D. in Earth Sciences (Geophysics), The University of Memphis, USA. (2016)
  • M.Sc. in Earth Sciences (Geophysics and Seismology), The University of Memphis, USA. (2014)
  • Surveying Engineering, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. (2011)

Research Interests:

I'm a geophysicist and a geometrical geodesist doing active research on reference frame realizations, both regional and global. These frames allow me to investigate geodynamic processes such as the earthquake cycle and periodic loading and unloading of the earth's crust. I'm an avid user of GAMIT/GLOBK and I've developed a Python wrapper to do parallel processing of GPS data. You can find the code here: I'm also interested in ionospheric total electron content (TEC) signals triggered by acoustic and gravity waves.

Software Downloads:

NRCan PPP (GPSPACE): See GitHub repository: I've compiled it in Windows 7 using MinGW for Win64. To download binary (including a test), follow this link. Also, you can check this GitHub repository which includes the source code and all dependencies needed to compile. Thanks to GitHub user lahayef.

Crude and simple Windows batch file and gawk script to download and run through GPSPACE RINEX data from IGS. Requires gawk, wget, gzip, and crx2rnx to work. Download from here.

Interviews and Invited Talks:

Ionospheric Response to the December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse in South America – Center for Earthquake Research and Information, The University of Memphis (Sep 2022, Memphis, TN)

La agrimensura en la detección de los efectos producidos por el cambio climático: caso Campos de Hielo Patagónicos – Federación Argentina de Agrimensores (Apr 2022, Virtual)

Resultados del análisis ionosférico del eclipse del 14 de Diciembre de 2020 en Patagonia – Universidad del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Nov 2021, Virtual)

Experiences from the field: Ionospheric Response to the 2020 South American Total Solar Eclipse – Ohio University (Nov 2021, Athens, OH)

Realizing ITRF-Consistent Regional Geodetic Reference Frames – XXIX REUNIÓN CIENTÍFICA DE LA ASOCIACIÓN ARGENTINA DE GEOFÍSICOS Y GEODESTAS (Aug 2021, Virtual)

Preliminary Results from the Ionospheric Response to the 2020 South American Total Solar Eclipse – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Mar 2021, Virtual)

Science communication about the 2020 total solar eclipse, National Public Radio (Argentina) – Interviewed by Quique Pesoa (Dec 2020, Audio in Spanish, Telephone interview)

Estudio de los cambios ionosféricos producidos por el eclipse del 14 de diciembre de 2020 – Universidad del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Nov 2020, Virtual)

Processing GPS observations with NRCan PPP on Windows Desktop environment – SIRGAS Virtual Webinar (July 2020)

Active Grants:

GEO-ESCON (Award #AWD-113308), 2023-2025: Development of hybrid kinematic-dynamic trajectory models and reference frames using geodetic GNSS and InSAR, PI: Demián Gómez, Co-PI: Michael Bevis

Past Grants:

National Science Foundation (Award# 2029804), 2020-2021: Ionospheric Response to the 2020 South American Total Solar Eclipse: Observing Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Total Electron Content Interactions, Demián D. Gómez


Gomez, D., & Parola, J. P. (2021). Ionospheric Response to the 2020 South American Total Solar Eclipse - Observations collected by Ohio State University [Data set]. UNAVCO, Inc.

Parola, J. P., Franzante, C., Beckman, D., Montero, A., Hernandez, N., Fernandez, C., et al. (2021). Ionospheric Response to the 2020 South American Total Solar Eclipse - Observations collected by Local Land Surveyors [Data set]. UNAVCO, Inc.

Academic and Professional Experience:

Assistant Professor at the Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University: In change of graduate and undergraduate geodesy courses. Geometric reference frame research and parallel computing applications to GNSS geodesy.

Chair of SIRGAS Working Group II: SIRGAS at national level.

Chief Geodesist at National Geographic Institute of Argentina: Development of the first operational kinematic reference frame in the Americas. Expansion of Argentina’s CORS network by ~10% (114 stations). Implementation of 3-node, 112-core processing cluster using GAMIT/GLOBK. Management of up to 15 simultaneous projects with measurable results.

Postdoctoral Researcher at The Ohio State University: Development of processing tools and parallel cluster at the School of Earth Sciences based on Precise Point Positioning and GAMIT/GLOBK. Design and development of software to analyze gravity observations (network adjustment).

Research Assistant at The University of Memphis: Design and implementation of hardware for CORS in harsh environments. Deployment of 10+ CORS in Argentina, installation and measurement of 50+ campaign sites after the 2010 Maule earthquake in Chile. Field campaign in Antarctica for the Polar Earth Observing Network project.

Pictures from the Field:

Picture at El Cuy, Río Negro, Argentina, December 2020 (Total Solar Eclipse Project)
Socially-distanced Geodesy at El Cuy, Río Negro, Argentina, December 2020 (Total Solar Eclipse Project)
Picture at Villa Pehuenia, Neuquén, Argentina, 2020 Solar Eclipse Project
Villa Pehuenia, Neuquén, Argentina, December 2020 (Total Solar Eclipse Project)
Picture at Lihué Calel, La Pampa, Argentina, December 2021
Maintenance of GNSS station at Lihué Calel (LHCL), La Pampa, Argentina, December 2021
Picture from the field, at Reserva Don Carmelo, San Juan, Argentina
Reserva Don Carmelo, San Juan, Argentina, May 2022 (Left to right: Franco Sobrero, Demián Gómez, Mara Figueroa)
Picture at Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén, Argentina
Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén, Argentina, May 2022 (Left to right: Demián Gómez, Mara Figueroa, Juan Pablo Parola, Franco Sobrero)
Maintenance to GNSS station at Puesto Wircaleo, Neuquén, Argentina (PWRO), May 2022

Recent Publications:

Costa, S. M. A., Sánchez, L., Piñón, D., Tarrío-Mosquera, J. A., Guimarães, G., Gómez, D., & Drewes, H. et al. (2023). Status of the SIRGAS reference frame: Recent developments and new challenges. International Association of Geodesy, Reference Frames Symposium REFAG2022 (Acepted for publication).
Gómez, D. D., Figueroa, M. A., Sobrero, F. S., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D. J., & Kendrick, E. (2023). On the determination of coseismic deformation models to improve access to geodetic reference frame conventional epochs in low-density GNSS networks. Journal of Geodesy, 97(5), 46.
Gómez, D. D., Bevis, M. G., Smalley, R., Durand, M., Willis, M. J., Caccamise, D. J., Kendrick, E., Skvarca, P., Sobrero, F. S., Parra, H., & Casassa, G. (2022). Transient ice loss in the Patagonia Icefields during the 2015–2016 El Niño event. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 9553. 
Gómez, D. D., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D. J. (2022). Maximizing the consistency between regional and global reference frames utilizing inheritance of seasonal displacement parameters. Journal of Geodesy, 96(2), 9.
Gómez, D. D. (2021). Ionospheric Response to the December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse in South America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126(7), e2021JA029537.
Sobrero, F. S., Bevis, M., Gómez, D. D., Wang, F. (2020). Logarithmic and exponential transients in GNSS trajectory models as indicators of dominant processes in postseismic deformation. Journal of Geodesy, 94(9), 84.
Cappellotto, L., Acosta, A. M. C., Pérez, D. J., Orgeira, M. J., Gómez, D. D. (2020). Determinación de alta precisión de la altura del nivel del mar alcanzada por la ingresión Belgranense para el sector norte de Buenos Aires y sur de Santa Fe y Entre Ríos, 12.
Piñón, D. A., Gómez, D., Smalley, R., Cimbaro, S. R., Lauría, E. A., Bevis, M. G. (2018). The History, State, and Future of the Argentine Continuous Satellite Monitoring Network and Its Contributions to Geodesy in Latin America. Seismological Research Letters.
Gómez, D., Bevis, M., Pan, E., Smalley, R. (2017). The influence of gravity on the displacement field produced by fault slip. Geophysical Research Letters.doi:
Luna, D., Perez, D., Cifuentes, A., Gomez, D. (2017).Three-Cornered Hat Method via GPS Common-View Comparisons. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1–5.
Gómez, D., Piñón, D. A., Smalley, R., Bevis, M., Cimbaro, S. R., Lenzano, L. E., Barón, J. (2015) Reference frame access under the effects of great earthquakes: a least squares collocation approach for non-secular post-seismic evolution, Journal of Geodesy, doi:10.1007/s00190-015-0871-8.
Gómez, D., Smalley, R., Langston, C., Piñón, D., Cimbaro, S., Bevis,M., Kendrick, E., Barón, J., Báez Soto, J. C., Parra, H. (2015). Co-seismic deformation of the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake: Validating a least squares collocation interpolation, GeoActa, 40(1), 401.
Gómez, D., R. Smalley, Jr., C. A. Langston, T. J. Wilson, M. Bevis, I. W. D. Dalziel, E. C. Kendrick, S. A. Konfal, M. J. Willis, D. A. Piñón, et al., Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of coseismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics (2015), 120, 9087–9101, doi: 10.1002/2015JA021725.
Gómez, D., C. Langston, and R. Smalley Jr., A Closed-Form Solution for Earthquake Location in a Homogeneous Half-Space Based on the Bancroft GPS Location Algorithm, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2015), doi: 10.1785/0120140067.

Recent Conferences

Sobrero, F.S., Bevis, M.G., Gómez, D.D., Ahlgren, K., Heck, J., Echalar, A. (2023). A new software for robust adjustment of gravity networks based on a novel measurement protocol. Poster. IUGG 2023 General Assembly. Berlin, Germany.
Figueroa, M., Sobrero, F.S., Gómez, D., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D., Kendrick, E. (2023). VEL-Ar 2.0: The updated trajectory prediction model for Argentina. Poster. IUGG 2023 General Assembly in Berlin, Germany.
Figueroa, M., Gómez, D. D., Sobrero, F. S., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D., Kendrick, E. (2022). Coseismic Deformation Models in Low Density GNSS Networks: A new methodology to provide access to reference frame conventional epochs. Presented at SIRGAS 2022 Symposium in Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Sobrero, F. S., Gómez, D.D., Figueroa, M.A., Caccamise, D. J., Álvarez, A., Mackern, M. V. (2022). On the geodetic capacity assessment in the Americas. Poster. SIRGAS Symposium 2022. Santiago, Chile.
Gómez, D. D., Figueroa, M., Sobrero, F. S., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Caccamise, D., Kendrick, E. (2022). Acceso a marcos de referencia bajo los efectos de grandes terremotos. Presented at Congreso Internacional de Topografía, Catastro, Geodesia, y Geomática, in San José de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
Dechow, J., Durand, M. T., Gómez, D. D., Yadav, B., Wrzesien, M. L., Lundquist, J., Hinkelman, L. M., Rittger, K., Dozier, J., Pavelsky, T., Kapnick, S. B. (2022). A Comparison of Constrained Least Squares Adjustment and Non-Linear Solvers to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent from Regional Climate Models and Remote Sensing Observations. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022, AGU.
Gómez, D., Bevis, M., & Caccamise, D. (2021). Realizing ITRF-Consistent Continental-Scale Geodetic Reference Frames (No. EGU21-13607). Presented at the EGU21, Copernicus Meetings.
Smalley, R., Dalziel, I. W., Lawver, L. A., Gómez, D., Teferle, F. N., Saustrup, S., Hunegnaw, A. (2019). The current tectonic setting of South Georgia Island based on GPS geodetic and marine seismic reflection data. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, AGU.
Figueroa, M., Gómez, D., Smalley, R., Bevis, M. G., Alvarado, P. M., Baigorri, H. (2019). Developing Coseismic Deformation Models for Geodetic Applications. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, AGU.
Gómez, D., Smalley, R. (2019). GPS Virtual Array Beamforming of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Disturbances Associated with Solar Eclipses. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019, AGU.
Gómez, D. D., H.J. Guagni, C.A. Acosta, D.A. Piñón, S.R. Cimbaro (2019) Actualización del marco de referencia POSGAR07, Simposio SIRGAS 2019
Gómez, D. D., M. Bevis, D. Piñón, S. Cimbaro (2019) Towards a kinematic geodetic reference frame: The challenges of the implementation of the SIRGAS Frame and ITRF in Argentina, Simposio SIRGAS 2019
Bevis, M., A. Brown, D. Gómez, E. Kendrick, D. Caccamise, C. Saez. Strategies for promoting the consistency and usability of geometrical reference frames (Invited). AGU Fall Meeting 2018.
Echalar, A., M. Bevis, D. Gómez, K. Alghren (2018) Establecimiento de la red gravimétrica del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Simposio SIRGAS 2018
Gómez, D.D., H.J. Guagni, D.A. Piñón, S.R. Cimbaro, M. Bevis (2019) Nuevo clúster de procesamiento GNSS científico del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Simposio SIRGAS 2018
Smalley, R., M. Bevis, P. Svarka, E. Kendrick, D. Gómez. S. R. Cimbaro, H. Parra and L. Lenzano. Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Patagonia: A Rapid Interaction of Climate and Tectonics. AGU Fall Meeting 2018.
Saddler, D., T. Willson, M. Bevis, R. Smalley, I. Dalziel, P. Matheny, S. Konfal, D. Gómez, E. Kendrick. Analysis of Present-Day Horizontal Crustal Motions in West Antarctica. AGU Fall Meeting 2018.
Gómez, D. D., D. Piñón, M. Bevis, H. Guagni, A. Acosta (2019) Nuevo servicio de posicionamiento puntual preciso (PPP) para la República Argentina, Simposio SIRGAS 2017
A. Echalar, D. Gómez, C. de La Cruz, A. Olivera (2017) Avances del sistema de referencia geodésico del estado plurinacional de Bolivia, Simposio SIRGAS 2017
Gómez, D. D., D.A. Piñón, R. Smalley, M.G. Bevis, S.R. Cimbaro (2019) Nuevo modelo de predicción de trayectorias GNSS para la República Argentina: deformación co- y post-sísmica del sismo de Maule, Simposio SIRGAS 2016
Gómez, D. D. (2017), Alternativas para la actualización del modelo de trayectorias GNSS VEL-Ar, El ojo del Cóndor, 8, 52–55.
Gómez, D., R. Smalley, C. A. Langston, T. Wilson, M. Bevis, I. Dalziel, E. Kendrick, S. Konfal, M. Willis, D. A. Piñón, S. R. Cimbaro and D. Caccamise. Ionospheric total electron content signatures of earthquakes in Antarctica. The University of Memphis 27th Annual Student Research Forum.
Gómez, D., R. Smalley, D. Piñón and S. Cimbaro (2014). Colocación por mínimos cuadrados de la deformación co-sísmica del sismo de Maule, Chile 2010: Estimación de observaciones mínimas. XXVII Reunión Científica de la Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodestas.
Gómez D. and R. Smalley (2014). Investigating Polar ionospheric signals using GPS virtual arrays.
Gómez D., C. A. Langston and R. Smalley (2014). A linear formulation for earthquake location in a homogeneous half-space based on the Bancroft algorithm developed for GPS location.
Gómez, D. and S. Cimbaro (2014). The International Time Service of the National Geographic Institute (IGNA laboratory), Argentina. RevMexAA(SC) Vol 43, pp. 38–38 24.
Piñón, D., D. Gómez, S. Cimbaro, A. Raffo and H. Guagni (2013) Towards a New Velocity Model for Argentina. IAG Scientific Assembly 2013.
Gómez, D. and S. Cimbaro (2011). Scientific applications for atomic standards and their development at IGN. Eye of the Condor Magazine, Instituto Geográfico Nacional.
Gómez, D. (2011). CORS installations. First national congress of surveying engineering students, Catamarca.
Gómez, D., A. Cifuentes and S. Cimbaro (2011). How to measure time. Tecnópolis national fair.
Gómez, D., D. Piñón and S. Cimbaro (2011). NTRIP Service in Argentina. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Conference in Melbourne, Australia.
Schvarzer, O., S. Cimbaro, and D. Gómez (2011), Scientific technical applications of atomic clocks and their development at IGN, El ojo del Cóndor, 1, 38–39.

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