
NASA and Google's Collaborative Venture: 'A Passage of Water' - An Interactive Dive into Global Freshwater Resources
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY BYRD POLAR AND CLIMATE RESEARCH CENTER.In a pioneering partnership with Google Arts & Culture, NASA has collaborated with artist Yiyun Kang to create an…

Impacts and Sources of Black Carbon in the Arctic: Insights from a 300-Year Svalbard Ice Core Record
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY BYRD POLAR AND CLIMATE RESEARCH CENTER.In a comprehensive study spanning 300 years (1700-2005) of an ice core from Svalbard in the European…

Tropical ice cores offer deeper insights into Earth’s temperature record: New study finds these cores may be best indicators of global temperature change
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OHIO STATE NEWS. Press release published by Tatyana Woodall ( new study suggests ice recovered from high tropical mountains can reveal…

Using AI to pinpoint hidden sources of clean energy underground: New method to scan the Earth for hydrogen deposits
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OHIO STATE NEWS. Press release published by Tatyana Woodall ( efforts to transition away from fossil fuels strengthen the hunt for new low-…

Congratulations Autumn 2023 Earth Sciences Graduates!
Congratulations to our autumn 2023 graduates!For edits or updates, contact
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Zhaozhe (Frank) Chen awarded the Presidential Fellowship!
Congratulations to Zhaozhe (Frank) Chen, recipient of the Presidential Fellowship for final-year PhD students! Advised by Prof Ozeas Costa, Frank’s PhD thesis title is entitled “Investigation of…

Ice cores from Earth’s highest tropical peak provide insight into climate variability: Study shows warming increasingly influential on summit isotopes
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OHIO STATE NEWS. Press release published by Tatyana Woodall ( the first study to examine ice cores from the summit of the highest…

New study reveals evidence of recurring ancient supereruption: Improved geologic data helps re-assess local hazard risk maps
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OHIO STATE NEWS. Press release published by Tatyana Woodall ( have discovered a series of large undersea sediment deposits…

Study examines link between underwater landslides and tsunamis: Slide velocity may help determine threat of dangerous waves
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY OHIO STATE NEWS. Press release published by Tatyana Woodall ( have calculated a way to determine the speed of past underwater…