

Saltzman headshot

Saltzman awarded Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to South Korea

Originally posted by the Office of International Affairs


Matthew Saltzman, School of Earth Sciences professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been awarded a…

Stylized text that reads "Spring 2023 Award recipients"

2023 Earth Sciences Spring Awards Announced!

Awards AnnouncementCongratulations to our Faculty, Staff, and Students!


View the table below for a list of our awardees. 


Photo of the Orton Hall bell tower with the text "School of Earth Sciences graduates Spring 2023"

Congratulations Spring 2023 Earth Sciences Graduates!



Congratulations to our Spring 2023 graduates!

Headshot of Thomas H. Darrah

Professor Thomas H. Darrah named OSU's 2023 Innovator of the Year

Originally posted by the Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge news.


At a special reception held on Thursday, April 20, Thomas Darrah, PhD, professor in…

Headshot of Joe Newhart

Newhart receives Alumni Award for Distinguished Service

Originally published here in ASC News.

A dedicated volunteer, advocate, and ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences are being honored with…

Climate Change Fundamentals (undergrad only)

New Climate Change Certificate in SES!

Ohio State approved a new Certificate program in Climate Change Fundamentals which will be available for student enrollment beginning April 2023. The new curriculum offering is being co-led by…

Dr. Louchouarn in a blue suit stands in front of wooded area that is blurred in background

Welcoming Dr. Patrick Louchouarn as the new senior vice provost and SES faculty member

Dr. Patrick Louchouarn joined Ohio State as the inaugural senior vice provost for faculty and a new SES faculty member in August 2022. He joins OSU after 17 years academic and administrative work…

Dr. Demián Gómez presenting during the 2022 SIRGAS symposium. A projected screen shows an image of findings

The School of Earth Sciences participated in the 2022 Symposium of the Geodetic Reference System for the Americas (SIRGAS)

Between November 7 and 9, 2022, the Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences (SES) participated in the annual SIRGAS symposium in Santiago de Chile, Chile. SIRGAS is a pan-American…

there are two pictures: one is a digital elevation model of the study area with an image of Brazil shown with the state in which it was studied is highlighted. Below this is an aerial view of the location

Prediction of Soil Erodibility in a Neotropical Biome - Latest Research from Dr. Ozeas Costa


Fig. 1. The study area: (a) DEM and sampling grid; (b,c) state and country maps; (d) aerial view

The latest research from Dr. Ozeas…