New Climate Change Certificate in SES!

Ohio State approved a new Certificate program in Climate Change Fundamentals which will be available for student enrollment beginning April 2023. The new curriculum offering is being co-led by Professors Matt Saltzman in Earth Sciences and Bryan Mark in Geography and was developed based on internal and external feedback gathered over a two-year period. We have heard from employers and our alumni that an interdisciplinary background and real-world experience are the most sought-after qualifications. The Climate Change Fundamentals certificate combines foundational Earth system science with the human dimensions of climate change. It aims to meet the growing demand for a workforce that can tackle the challenges of climate change and build a sustainable future. The certificate includes a capstone course experience focused on problem-based and experiential learning, which will emphasize teamwork and communication skills and also serve to build relationships with the community and employers. Melissa Gilliam, the Provost at Ohio State, has prioritized sustainability education in her new Academic Plan, and the Sustainability Institute at Ohio State is facilitating efforts to create new curricular opportunities such as the Climate Change Certificate.