

STEM tutor

STEM tutoring /EARTHSC3193 Individual Studies for STEM homework

Aspiring Earth Scientists Are you enrolled in 1000-level math, physics, or chemistry classes this spring?

Learning is more fun and effective with a good study group!
Come hang out…


SES Is Hiring!

Department:  School of Earth Sciences

Position:        Faculty position in Geodesy

Rank:          …

Spring 2022

Returning to Campus - Spring 2022

The Ohio State University has published guidelines for Returning to Campus - Spring 2022  

You can go to Safe and Healthy Buckeyes-Returning to Campus- Spring 2022 for more…


SES students place in poster competitions

With the end of the autumn semester comes the end of the 2021 conference meetings. Many of our students, faculty, and staff presented at various in-person and virtual professional conferences this…


Professor Kleffner Awarded Paul Woehlke Volunteer Achievement Award

Professor Mark Kleffner was awarded the Paul Woehlke Volunteer Achievement Award of the United Way of Greater Lime at their 2021 United Way Campaign kickoff ceremony on Friday September 10th.…


Conwell Awarded Graduate Student Grant

Chris Conwell was awarded a 2021 Graduate Student Grant Award from the Evolving Earth Foundation to investigate the cause of global cooling leading to the end-Ordovician glaciation. Chris’…

Professor Grottoli's research suggest that the coral microbiome may offer resilience to corals in the face of climate change

Grottoli named Ohio State Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor

Earth Sciences Professor Andrea Grottoli as a newly selected Ohio State College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor. This is a major and truly well-deserved honor! Congratulations, Prof…