Congratulations to PhD candidate Zhaozhe (Frank) Chen, who received a Presidential Fellowship in support of his final thesis year at OSU. Frank is advised by Professor Ozeas Costa. Great work, Frank!

Emma Bouie was awarded the Ohio Geology Student Research Grant and secured a 3rd-year extension with the ODNR Coastal Management Fellowship. The funds will sustain her PhD dissertation research, exploring the correlation between wave power output and erosion potential within the nearshore environment of Ohio's lakebed with Professor Ozeas Costa. In the photograph here, she uses a Trimble RTK GPS to take points of a beach profile at Sleeping Bear Dunes, MI. Congratulations, Emma!
Professor Joachim Moortgat’s team has been using artificial intelligence and remote sensing to detect ovoidal features associated with hydrogen. At the Fall AGU Meeting, Dr. Herreid and Dr. Kaushik (both postdoctoral scientists in SES) presented their new algorithm, which is a step forward in exploring for “gold hydrogen” that can serve as a new low-carbon energy source. Check out more here.

Dr. Chris Cox retired on Dec 31 and was honored at the Dec 5th holiday party. Over her career at OSU, she taught 45 Earth Science courses to over 6000 students! Thank you, Dr. Cox, for your service to our educational mission and students.

The School of Earth Sciences hosted its first mixer event at the American Geophysical Union Meeting in San Francisco, CA on 14 December 2023. Twenty-five faculty, students, staff and alumni attended and enjoyed delicious empanadas. Looking forward to making this a tradition at AGU meetings!
A paper led by Professor Mike Durand was one of the top five most read papers in Water Resources Research for 2023. In the study, the authors lay the framework for monitoring the flow of Earth’s major rivers from space, which will change the way we understand global water budgets, river water supply, and water security. AGU shared the story through Twitter: