SES Unveils New Curriculum and Certificate Program

We are pleased to announce the development of new undergraduate B.S. subprograms in 1) Geological Sciences, 2) Climate, Water, and the Environment, and 3) Geophysics. Undergraduates will choose a subprogram to focus their interests and take on either a certificate or a double major or minor.

Beginning Fall 2020 the new SES certificate program includes certifications in:

  1. Hydrogeology (open to undergraduate and graduate students)
  2. Marine Science (open to undergraduate and graduate students)
  3. Natural History Museum Curation (open to undergraduate and graduate students)
  4. Petroleum Geology (open to undergraduate and graduate students)
  5. Planetary Science (joint with astronomy, open to undergraduate students only)

These certificates partnered with one of our subprograms will prepare students for entering fulfilling careers in Earth Sciences in sectors that include environmental consulting, government agencies, museums, the energy industry, national laboratories, and universities.

For questions, contact Dr. Karen Royce at