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Garry McKenzie

Garry McKenzie

Garry McKenzie

Associate Professor Emeritus


Areas of Expertise

  • Earth System Science
  • Geomorphology
  • Environmental Geology
  • GeoScience Education


  • Ph.D. The Ohio State University 1968

As an environmental geoscientist, Garry McKenzie’s focus involves several disciplines: glacial geology, geomorphology, environmental geology and geoscience education.  He applies basic concepts of geomorphology in the interpretation of topography, leading to improved understanding of landscapes ranging from those recently deglaciated to those drastically disturbed by human activity. With his colleagues, he has led the development of new courses in the geosciences and materials to support them, beginning with environmental geology and the first lab manual in that subject. Other new courses, co-developed, illustrate the scope of interest: Geology and the National Parks; Energy, Mineral Resources and Society; Field Geology for Educators: both Appalachians and Bahamas (Island Sustainability); Understanding Global Climate Change; Global Change and Sustainability in the Earth System; Peak Oil and Sustainability; and a Graduate Field Seminar (Glacial Deposits). Experimental courses include: Terroir; Geosciences for National Security; Population and Resources in the Earth System; and Science and the Arts.  He sees sustainability as the grand challenge for civilization and improved understanding of the Earth System, globally, as one educational response to that challenge.

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