Three teams of students in the Oceanography Service-Learning course (EARTHSC 2206S) taught by Prof. Liz Griffith created activities and displays to share with visitors at the Community Day event on April 3rd at Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. Over 200 visitors to the Childrens’ Garden interacted with the oceanography students and learned more about the Blue Planet we live on, and made connections to Ohio and the ocean.

One team created an interactive water cycle connecting freshwater in Ohio to the ocean. Yes, that cloud really is raining!

Another team discussed the layers in the ocean and who lives in each layer. Visitors got to create two layers of the ocean in a vial(one sunlit and one dark) that they could take home with them.

Visitors also learned about pollution and overfishing. This visitor went fishing in a polluted ocean and found mostly trash.

The activities the student teams created were very engaging for all ages

Visitors voted for their favorite ocean creature. The winner was... a tie between jellyfish and sharks!

Careful preparation in class before the Community Day event at Franklin Park Conservatory and Garden.