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Bryan O'Reilly

Bryan O'Reilly earned his BS in Geophysics from SES in 2017, his MS from the University of Wisconsin in Environment and Resources, and is now a PhD student at the University of Wisconsin.

Contact: boreilly26@gmail.com

"Take the initiative get to know professors and take all the leadership opportunities you can. The relationships you build are just as important as the knowledge you gain."

Where has your degree taken you?

After I graduated I ended up moving to the D.C. area and became a campaign team lead for Let America Vote. After that I moved to Wisconsin and got a job at Epic working on healthcare software. And now I’m excited to start grad school at University of Wisconsin! 

How do you feel your experience, specifically as an SES/geology student at OSU, prepared you for your career or life in general?

I think the research opportunities that I had at OSU and the abundance of research scholarships that are available set me apart in all the jobs I applied for. Also, the great leadership opportunities and working closely with the faculty gave me skills I needed to succeed in both politics and science.

What is your favorite memory as a student?

It’s hard to pin down a single favorite memory, however all the opportunities we are given to get out into the field seems unique to geology. Those experiences are what I brag most about being a geology/OSU student.

What advice do you have for current and future students?

Take the initiative get to know professors and take all the leadership opportunities you can. The relationships you build are just as important as the knowledge you gain.