Congratulations Summer 2022 Earth Sciences Graduates!

McKenzie Bertsch
BS Earth Science
Thesis title: Marine barite content at Shatsky Rise (Ocean Drilling Program, Site 1209) during the recovery from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
Post-graduation plans: work for a year and then go back to grad school!
Molly Hunt
BA Earth Science
MS Graduates
Hannah Field
Earth Science MS, Advisor: Prof. Audrey Sawyer
Thesis title: Importance of dense aquatic vegetation in seasonal phosphate and particle transport in an agricultural headwater stream.
Cheyenne Munson
Earth Science MS, Advisor: Prof. Loren Babcock
Thesis title: Dire wolves (Canis dirus dirus) from the Cutler Hammock side, Florida: Dietary preferences, timing of disappearance, and relationship to changing climatic conditions.
Austin Weber
Geodetic Science MS, Advisor: Prof. Lonnie Thompson
Thesis title: Amazonian influences on the hydrological and mineralogical signals preserved in an ice fore from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru.
PhD Graduates
Devin Smith
Earth Science PhD, Advisor: Prof. Anne Carey
Dissertation title: The biogeochemistry of Irish rivers in a changing world.