Congratulations Spring 2022 Earth Sciences Graduates!

April 26, 2022

Congratulations Spring 2022 Earth Sciences Graduates!

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Intan Nufazlyn Ab Rahaman
BS Earth Science

Ryan Benefiel
BS Earth Science

Justin Duty-Marcus
BS Earth Science

Eli Hall
BS Earth Science

Nolan Howell
BS Earth Science

Corbin Lanker
BS Earth Science

Corbin's post-graduation plans include working with Grow Ohio Valley, an urban farm program in Wheeling, WV, as a part of their education team.

Harper Luckeydoo
BS Earth Science

Fattin Izzaty Mohamad Nasir
BS Earth Science

Elijah Mullins
BS Earth Science

Elijah's post-graduation plans include attending an exploration geologist internship at the Kensington Gold Mine in Alaska and beginning a Master of Science Program at the University of Arizona!

Mallory Price
BS Earth Science

Henry Tennant
BS Earth Science

Bri Tomko
BS Earth Science

Jeremy Washburn
BS Earth Science

Jeremy's post-graduation plans include accepting a job at Terracon as a Field Geologist!

Sherry Zhu
BS Earth Sciences

M.S. Graduates

Brandon Bell
Earth Science M.S., Advisor: Dr. E. Griffith

Thesis title: Eastern equatorial Pacific export production and micronutrient delivery during the middle Miocene Climate Optimum

Benjamin Erickson
Geodetic Science M.S., Advisor: Dr. Bevis

Thesis title: Astrogeodetic Investigations of the Gravity Field in Central Ohio with a Robotic Total Station

Derrick James
Earth Science M.S., Advisor: Dr. D. Sawyer

Thesis title: Advanced Numerical Modeling of CO2 Storage in a Challenging Reef System.

Connor Wichterich
Earth Science M.S., Advisor: Dr. Lyons

Thesis title: The geochemical composition of the Scioto River, Ohio: influence of urbanization and seasonal changes in agricultural inputs


Ph.D. Graduates

Ji-Eun "JJ" Kim
Earth Science Ph.D., Advisor: Dr. E. Griffith

Dissertation title: Reconstructing biological and chemical changes in the tropical Pacific using bio-barium and pelagic barite.