2023 Earth Sciences Spring Awards Announced!

May 7, 2023

2023 Earth Sciences Spring Awards Announced!

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Awards Announcement

Congratulations to our Faculty, Staff, and Students!


View the table below for a list of our awardees. 


Faculty Distinguished Graduate Teaching Awards Dr. Yanlan Liu 
Mentor Award  Dr. Mark Kleffner  
STAFF  RECOGNITIONName of Recipient 
School of Earth Sciences Distinguished Staff Member Dale Gnidovec  
GRADUATE AWARDSName of Recipient Graduate Program
Orton Award for Distinguished Service Austin Weber Earth Sciences   
Orton Award for Distinguished Service Oliver McLellan Earth Sciences   
Distinguished First Year Graduate Award- Estwing AwardMelody Pan Geodetic Science   
Distinguished First Year Graduate Award- Estwing AwardShannon Dixon Earth Sciences    
Distinguished First Year Graduate Award- Estwing AwardCarmi Thompson Earth Sciences  
Distinguished Graduate TeachingMichael Braunagel Earth Sciences    
Distinguished Graduate TeachingAustin Weber Earth Sciences 
Distinguished Graduate TeachingPatrick Smith Geodetic Science
Distinguished Senior Graduate Award- Spieker Book AwardHongzhi Yao Geodetic Science  
Distinguished Senior Graduate Award- Spieker Book AwardMara Figueroa Berroca Geodetic Science   
Distinguished Senior Graduate Award- Spieker Book AwardAllison ChartrandEarth Sciences
Michael Johnson Graduate Award-outstanding Ph.D. Candidate Yihang Ding Earth Sciences    
Michael Johnson Graduate Award-outstanding Ph.D. candidate Oliver McLellan Earth Sciences   
Geodetic Science Award  
Kaarina and Weikko A. Heiskanen Awards Junior award Franco S. Sobrero 
Kaarina and Weikko A. Heiskanen Awards Senior awardDana J. Caccamise 
Undergraduate Book AwardNolan Kachmar 
Joseph and Marcia Newhart ScholarshipAnastasiia Krysova 
Marcus J. and Lottie C. Lieberman ScholarshipClaire Sneed 
Marcus J. and Lottie C. Lieberman ScholarshipBriana McNeal 
Willis E. Rector ScholarshipKyle Shoen 
Willis E. Rector ScholarshipAbby Smith 
William J. Buschman ScholarshipSara Bauer 
William J. Buschman ScholarshipFelix Boeing 
Joan Echols ScholarshipDarren Leupp 
Joan Echols ScholarshipJohn Stalla 
Susie L. Shipley Undergraduate ScholarshipMelody Green 
Susie L. Shipley Undergraduate ScholarshipColton Lane 
Susie L. Shipley Undergraduate ScholarshipMiranda Manross 
Susie L. Shipley Undergraduate ScholarshipDaniel Courtright 
Edmund M. Spieker ScholarshipClaire Nidy 
ALUMNI AWARDSName of Recipient 
SES Distinguished Alumni Award Mike Gibson