Graduate student Zhaozhe Chen has recently published in the journal Sustainability

School of Earth Sciences graduate student Zhaozhe Chen has recently published – in the journal Sustainability – the first results of his experimental work on phytoremediation of nutrient pollution with artificial floating islands (AFIs). The experiment was conducted at the Milliron Research Wetlands (at the Ohio State Mansfield Campus) during the 2020 growing season and aimed at evaluating the nutrient removal efficiency of two species of native aquatic plants very common in Ohio’s wetlands: Carex comosa (the bristly sedge) and Eleocharis palustris (the common spike-rush).
Postdoctoral scientist Xiaolang Zhang finishes his time in Earth Sciences this summer to take a tenure-track faculty job in the department of Geosciences at Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Zhang joined Professor Audrey Sawyer’s lab in 2022 to pursue research on surface water-groundwater interactions. We wish Dr. Zhang lots of success in his new academic post.