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Kenneth Hsu

Kenneth Hsu earned his M.A. from SES in 1950 and is now the Director of the Leewen Center of Holistic Cancer Studies in Surrey, UK.

Contact: k.jinghwahsu@gmail.com

Where has your degree taken you?

I got to where I am thanks to recognition by leading scientists of the time, Jim Gilluly, John Rodgers, and M. King Hubbert. Their letters of recommendation helped me to be appointed Professor of Process-Oriented Geology at the Swiss Institute of Technology. With the generous funding support of the Swiss government and the enthusiastic assistance of my colleagues and students, we made major contributions to the geosciences including areas of experimental rock deformation, limnology, and the geobiology.

How do you feel your experience, specifically as an SES/geology student at OSU, prepared you for your career or life in general?

It was a good start to my career and I went on to learn more at UCLA, Shell Research Lab, UC Riverside, and ETH Zurich.

What is your favorite memory as a student?

Field camp in Utah, and Ed Spiekers’s piano performances.

What advice do you have for current and future students?

Respect the intellectual wisdom of Ed Spieker as it was the spirit of my time at OSU.