January 2025 Brevia


Professor Andrea Grottoli and her team, PhD candidate Shannon Dixon and postdoc Dr. Ann Marie Hulver, at the Reef Futures 2024 conference in Mexico 9-13 December 2024.
Professor Andrea Grottoli and her team, PhD candidate Shannon Dixon and postdoc Dr. Ann Marie Hulver, at the Reef Futures 2024 conference in Mexico 9-13 December 2024

Professor Andrea Grottoli shared her love of coral reefs as part of the College of Arts and Sciences Science Sundays series. She presented information on the state of coral reefs and possible solutions to protect and restore some of them. You can see her talk "Can We Save Coral Reefs?" here.

Congratulations to MS student Maddy Schaefer on receiving a grant from Sigma Xi in support of her research on PFAS in coastal aquifers. The title of her project is "Mobilization of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in a coastal aquifer driven by tidal and seasonal variations in water exchange." Maddy is working with Professor Audrey Sawyer.

Professor Andréa Grottoli and her team, graduate student Shannon Dixon and postdoc Dr. Ann Marie Hulver, presented their latest coral research findings at the Coral Restoration Consortium's Reef Futures 2024 conference 9-13 December 2024 in Mexico. Professor Grottoli shared findings showing the efficacy of her new technology UZELA to increase adult coral feeding and growth. Shannon shared findings showing the efficacy of UZELA to enhance coral recruit survivorship and growth. Dr. Hulver shared findings showing that thermally resilient corals can survive but not thrive under chronic ocean warming conditions. Publications are forthcoming for all three presentations. 

Kara Lamantia presented part of their dissertation at the Quaternary Research Association Conference in Newcastle, UK on January 7th. The talk was entitled 'Global and Regional Methane Signals Preserved in Ice Cores from Nevado Huascaran, Peru.' Kara was awarded 'Most Outstanding Student Oral Presentation.' https://www.antarcticglaciers.org/2025/01/how-to-organise-a-conference-advice-and-reflections-from-the-2025-quaternary-research-association-qra-annual-discussion-meeting/

Saffron Martin, Reagan Hepp and Will Weisenburger

What’s happening around campus? It was a lovely 35-degree day in late January, perfect for an outdoor geophysics survey. SES Applied Geophysics students Saffron Martin, Reagan Hepp and Will Weisenburger searched for the secret tunnel below the oval by making measurements with the School’s Scintrex Autograv Gravimeter. A gravimeter measures changes in the acceleration due to gravity and should be able to detect a large tunnel. Photo by Professor Ann Cook.

Grottoli working on the UZELA experiment in Hawaii. UZELA devices are secured in the rack with corals around the devices.

School of Earth Sciences Ph.D. student Zhaozhe (Frank) Chen (advisor: Dr. Ozeas Costa) recently published a study in Ecological Engineering. This research evaluates Artificial Floating Islands (AFIs) as a phytoremediation approach for managing toxins during harmful algal blooms (HABs). They found that field-scale AFI systems efficiently reduced microcystin concentrations by up to 80% in summer.

New paper showing proof-of-concept that the patented UZELA technology (Underwater Zooplankton Enhancement Light Array), developed by Grottoli and her team, concentrates zooplankton and enhances coral feeding. The device shows promise as a technological intervention that could enhance coral health and resilience.


The ANET-POLENET project recently completed an Antarctic field campaign. SES members Terry Wilson and Franco Sobrero were on the field team. You can check out our field activities at 2024-2025 ANET-POLENET Field Season Progress @ POLENET.org

Dale Gnidovec (Collections Manager and Curator for Orton Geological Museum) and alumnus Mark Peter chatted with COSI about the fossils in the Statehouse. You can watch the 6 1/2 minute video tour here:  Ohio Statehouse - Fossils Hidden in Plain Sight| #COSI #ExperienceColumbus

POLENET 2024-25 field team and Twin Otter aircraft crew at Union Glacier, Antarctica
POLENET 2024-25 field team and Twin Otter aircraft crew at Union Glacier, Antarctica