What Our Graduate Program Offers
- Earth Science Thesis and Non-Thesis MS Degree
- Earth Science PhD Degree
- Geodetic Science Thesis MS Degree
- Geodetic Science PhD Degree
The overall goal of the Graduate Degree Program in the School of Earth Sciences is to provide students the opportunity to develop advanced professional training in the Earth and Environmental Sciences and Geodetic Science. Specific objectives of the program include providing students opportunities to:
- Participate in advanced classes and seminars
- Conduct independent research on fundamental issues in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
By entering our graduate programs in Earth Sciences or Geodetic Science you will become a part of one of the nation's premier research universities.
- Meet our current graduate students
- Instrumentation, Facilities and Resources, information on facilities in the School of Earth Sciences and at OSU
- SES Grad Student Handbook, 2025 Earth Sciences grad student handbook
- Graduate School Student Handbook, detailed information on grad school at OSU
Funding your Graduate Studies
Most graduate students in SES receive funding to cover their tuition and a salary stipend. Typical sources of funding are:
- An internal (OSU) fellowship
- An external fellowship
- A Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA)
- A Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA)
Several internal fellowships are available for incoming and advanced graduate students who meet minimum grade point average requirements. External fellowships are awarded from research agencies such as NSF and NASA. GTA's are awarded competitively by the SES Graduate Studies Committee. GRA's are supported from faculty research grants at the discretion of individual faculty members. All students are provided with health insurance through the OSU health program.
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