Speaker: Patrick Louchouarn
Seminar Title: Fire in the Ocean
Abstract: The presentation will provide a state of knowledge on the characterization, fluxes, and fate of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) in the rivers-to-ocean continuum. The methodology and approach of signal science will first be briefly discussed. Then, through a chronological recounting of the evolution of PyC research in the last decades, the argument is made for anchoring the study of global processes (and in particular, environmental change) in robust and coordinated methodological calibration and validation, as well as field work that captures relevant time and spatial scales of events.
Dr. Patrick Louchouarn Biography:
Dr. Louchouarn joined the Ohio State University on Aug 1, 2022 as the Sr. Vice Provost for Faculty. In this position, he is tasked with developing an Office of Faculty Affairs and programming in support of hiring, promotion, and development of faculty at OSU. He is also a Professor in the School of Earth Sciences. Prior to his move to OSU, Dr. Louchouarn was a Regents Professor at Texas A&M University in the Department of Geography with joint appointments in the Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Sciences and the Department of Oceanography. In his 16 years tenure, Dr. Louchouarn served in several leadership roles, including most recently as the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. Prior to that time, he was an Associate Professor in Aqueous Geochemistry at Columbia University and the Associate Director of the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy.
His multidisciplinary research is focused on understanding the impacts of environmental perturbations on biogeochemical cycling at ecosystem interfaces and to address capacity building in earth and environmental education in diverse communities. The orientation of his research in biogeochemistry deals with 1) the identification of fire markers and combustion by-products in complex environmental mixtures and their application to reconstructions of fire/combustion history and 2) natural and human-induced fluctuations in material fluxes within watersheds. In parallel, to address issues of learning and thinking in the environmental sciences, Dr. Louchouarn incorporates this research into inquiry-based educational models that question how people learn and take decisions on environmental issues.
Host: Andrea Grottoli