2016 SES Bowknocker Lecturer: Dr. Lucy Jones

Dr. Lucy Jones
November 30, 2016
All Day
Wexner Center Film/Video Theater

Non-Technical Presentation

Title: "Science Communication in the Time of Climate Change"

Dr. Lucy Jones is a seismologist and public voice for earthquake science and earthquake safety in California. She was with the US Geological Survey and a visiting Research Associate at The Seismological Laboratory of Cal Tech from 1983 until this year. She has served on commissions of both the city of Los Angeles and the state of California advising on seismic safety. Since 1986 she has been a major spokesperson following significant earthquakes in California. She retired this year in order to help government officials to develop science-based policies related to climate change, tsunamis, and other types of natural disasters. Dr. Jones is the 73rd Bownocker Distinguished Lecturer. The Bownocker Lectures are made possible by a bequest to Ohio State from John Adams Bownocker, former Professor and Chair of the Department of Geology and State Geologist of Ohio.