Alumni & Friends Advisory Board Charter

This Charter provides the Terms of Reference for the Alumni and Friends Advisory Board (the Board) established to work with the School of Earth Sciences (the School) at The Ohio State University. This Charter may be amended from time to time by agreement between the Board and the School to adapt to the changing needs of the School and the environment in which it operates.

University Mission

The University is dedicated to:

  • Creating and discovering knowledge to improve the well-being of our state, regional, national and global communities;
  • Educating students through a comprehensive array of distinguished academic programs;
  • Preparing a diverse student body to be leaders and engaged citizens;
  • Fostering a culture of engagement and service.

We understand that diversity and inclusion are essential components of our excellence.

School Mission

The mission of the School of Earth Sciences is education, research, and service to understand Earth, the environment, and human systems and the complexities of their interactions. 

Our faculty members have recognized the importance of a portfolio of Earth science specialties as a foundation for programs of distinction to provide insights into fundamental Earth and planetary processes and to link studies of Earth processes with fundamental science and critical societal problems. SES will help to realize the tremendous research and educational opportunities of the coming decades.

Role and Function of the Advisory Board

The principal role of the Board is to provide guidance, support, and assistance to the School and the Director, with particular emphasis on the educational and research goals of the School and the establishment and fostering of professional linkages. The Board members’ personal experience in government, industry, consulting and academia will enhance the School’s knowledge base and links to the various communities it serves. It is understood that members represent their personal views and not those of their employers.

The Board’s consideration will include, but not be limited to, the following areas and activities:

  • assisting  the  School  to  develop  its  vision  and  goals,  and helping the School to achieve those goals;
  • building links between the School and its stakeholders (industry, the profession, other academic departments, government, professional bodies, staff and students);
  • assisting   in   the   identification   of   advisors   and   mentors   from   industry, government, and professional societies; 
  • offering or identifying internship opportunities for our students and faculty by partnering with us to take advantage of resources and professional networks outside academia;
  • providing a professional perspective on current and foreseeable future needs in research and education;
  • providing advice on career development for the School’s students and alumni;
  • assisting in fostering philanthropy for the benefit of the School and College;
  • being ambassadors for the School to other alumni and organizations;
  • and providing assistance or advice on other matters deemed relevant by the Director. 

Bylaws of the Alumni & Friends Advisory Board

Section 1. Number

The Board shall consist of about eight to fourteen members plus the Director, who shall be a member.

Section 2. Terms of Membership

The membership term shall be three years. Members shall retire in rotation, and retiring members shall be eligible for reappointment for a second term upon mutual consent from the member and the Director. After a lapse of one full term, a member may be reappointed to the Board.

Section 3. Qualifications

Members of the Board will be alumnae and friends of the School of Earth Science. Board members should come from various areas where School graduates are employed, including industry, academia, consulting, and government. They will have demonstrated capabilities in leadership and organization skills, the ability to work with others to achieve a common purpose, and a willingness to devote time to the activities of the Board. They will have high professional integrity and a firm commitment to the well­‐being and mission of the School. 

Section 4. Nominations and Selection

The Board and Faculty shall seek to maintain broad representation in these areas by nominating individuals to the Director, who will make the final selection and invitation.

Section 5. Selection of Chair

In consultation with the Board and Faculty, the Director will select a Chair from among suggested candidates. The Chair will preside at Board meetings. In the absence of the Chair, the present members shall elect a Chair for that meeting.

Section 6. Selection of a Secretary

Board members shall elect from among their members a Secretary for one year. The secretary will be responsible for taking and distributing the minutes of the meetings to the Board and School. In the absence of the Secretary, the present members shall elect a Secretary for that meeting.

Section 7. Removal of Members

Members missing two consecutive meetings without presenting an explanation to the Director or Chair will be released from membership. Also, if the Director and Chair determine that a board member no longer meets the qualifications required to be a member, the member will be released from membership.

Section 8. Compensation

Members shall not be compensated or be granted special privileges for their services as members or for services rendered by them for the School in any other capacity.

Section 1. Frequency

The Board shall meet at least once annually.

Section 2. Agenda

The agenda shall be prepared by the Director and Board Chair and distributed to Board members before the meeting. Agenda items will reflect the School's strategic and academic goals and activities. Additional items may be proposed by any member of the Board or, through the Director, by any member of the staff of the School.

Section 3. Minutes

The Secretary shall be responsible for the timely preparation and distribution of minutes to the Board as well as the faculty and staff of the School.

Section 4. Quorum

Board members representing 40% of the membership shall constitute a quorum. The Members present at a duly convened meeting may continue to do business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of some Members, leaving fewer than a quorum.

Section 1. Procedure for Amendment

The Director may amend or rescind these by-laws in consultation with the Board and faculty.