PANalytical Magi'X Pro Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

- Bulk analysis of solids, powders, liquids
- Detection limits in the part per million range for many elements
- Semi-quantitative analysis without needing standards (using IQ+ and/or Uniquant software)
- Quantitative analysis with matched standards for highest accuracy
- ProTrace software for accurate trace-element analysis
Semi-automated sample preparation techniques
- Fused bead (to produce consistent, homogeneous samples for analysis with no particle effects) using PANalytical Perl'X
- Pellet press (to minimize sample dilution) using a Spex Automated 35-T X-Press
The PANanlytical Magi'X Pro XRF Spectrometer and sample preparation equipment were purchased in 2004 with funds from a National Science Foundation Earth Sciences grant.