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Ohio State University
October 19, 2024
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October 25, 2024

Recent News


The display at the OSU 18th Street Library has been updated to include all six Ohio State affiliated Nobel Laureates.

C.K. Shum, The Nobel Peace Prize, Awarded 2007 plaque was…

Written by:

Tatyana WoodallOhio State Newswoodall.52@osu.edu 

Coral reefs will continue to experience severe heat stress as rising temperatures cause the oceans to…

This month, as Senior Research Scientist Dr. Sue Welch departs SES to join Koloma, we reflect back in gratitude on her 16 years of dedicated service. Dr. Welch has…

By Loren Babcock

The Orton Geological Museum opened to the public in August 1874. With the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, the museum enters its 150th year. We are celebrating the sesquicentennial with new…

People Directory

Assistant Professor
Mackenzie Scharenberg
Alumni Advisory Board Member | Senior Geologist, Carbonvert Inc.