C K Shum
Professor & Distinguished University Scholar
Mendenhall Lab 221B
275 S Oval Mall
Areas of Expertise
- Satellite Geodesy
- Sea Level
- Satellite Oceanography, Hydrology & Glaciology
- Geodynamics
- Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin 1982
C K Shum is a Professor and Distinguished University Scholar, Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, at The Ohio State University, USA. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a Fellow of the International Association of Geodesy. As a Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment, he contributed to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded jointly to IPCC and Al Gore, Jr., “for their efforts to understand and to counteract the man-made climate crisis”. He received the 2012 Vening Meinesz Medal from the European Geosciences Union for his “Distinguished Research in Geodesy applied to Sea-Level Science”. His research foci include sea-level and climate science on the observation and quantification of geophysical processes contributing to present-day sea-level change. These processes include ice reservoir mass ablation/accumulation, steric and mass sea level, global water cycle, anthropogenic water retention and groundwater extraction, glacial isostatic adjustment and other solid Earth/seafloor deformation. He conducts research on interdisciplinary satellite geodesy including precision orbit determination, temporal and mean global gravity field modeling, tides, satellite hydrology/oceanography/glaciology, geodynamics, earthquakes, GNSS meteorology, space physics, seafloor geodesy, and deep-learning analytics aided climate-induced hazards monitoring and management. He uses geodetic tools including satellite altimetry, satellite gradiometry & gravimetry, satellite laser ranging, DORIS, GNSS, GNSS-reflectometry/other Signals of Opportunities, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and interferometric SAR (InSAR), and multi-spectral imageries. He has published over 400 refereed journal articles and book chapters, with Google Scholar citations of 22,612, h-index: 70, i-10 Index: 262 [Assessed 07/2024]. His work was covered by New York Times, Physics Today, Sky & Telescope Radio Show, Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Science TV, Science News, Science Daily, Live Science, Scientific American, Soundings magazine, Deccan Chronicle, La Figaro, MSNBC.com, Tomorrow Focus Portal GmbH, Axel Springer AG, Televisión Española, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zurich, Columbus Dispatch, The Toledo Blade, American Geophysical Union, ESA Earth Online, National Academy of Sciences Press, AAAS EurekAlert!, Ohio State University press, Ohio State Insights, Ohio State University Sustainability Institute News, Sci.Dev.Net, Environmental News Network, The Atlantic, Epsiloon, and others.
Google Scholar: https://go.osu.edu/CKShumPublication
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