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Douglas Pride

Douglas Pride

Douglas Pride

Associate Professor Emeritus


(614) 292-9523

Mendenhall Lab 200

Areas of Expertise

  • Economic Geology


  • Ph.D. University of Illinois 1969

Dr. Pride’s research involves the study of metallic mineral deposits in the U.S., and in such faraway places as Saudi Arabia and Antarctica. Deposit-types include epithermal gold in sedimentary and volcanic environments, and porphyry-, base-, and precious-metal mineralization in caldera settings. Researches utilize geology, geochemistry, and GIS to query multiple layers data sets – the SearchMap decision software package is a proud derivative of this work. Three dozen MS and PhD projects have been complete under Dr. Pride’s direction, the latter involving petrologic and computer-statistical analysis of hydrothermal systems in the Colorado mineral belt; and GIS applications to diamond exploration in North America, gold exploration in the Great Basin of NV-OR-ID, and gold and related metallization in the Saudi Arabian Shield. Results of this work are presented at national and international conferences. Current research efforts focus in two areas: (1) refinements of the SearchMap software system, and (2) identification of fundamental nano-scale characteristics of hydrothermal breccia bodies.

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