Michael Durand

photo of mike durand

Michael Durand

Professor, Associate Director for Graduate Students


(614) 247-4835

Orton Hall 247

Areas of Expertise

  • Land Surface Hydrology
  • Snow Hydrology
  • Remote Sensing
  • Data Assimilation


  • Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles 2007

Michael Durand and his research group study land surface hydrology processes, with a focus on using spaceborne remote sensing measurements to answer open science questions in snow hydrology and in fluvial hydrology. Exemplary science questions include: What are the process-level connections between observed changes in snowmelt runoff patterns and physiographic controllers for mid-latitude, seasonal snow? How does snow microstructure, grain size, and spatial variability affect spaceborne measurements of snow? How could spaceborne measurements of river elevation be used to estimate river discharge? Funding for exploring these questions comes from Hydrological Sciences program at the National Science Foundation, the Terrestrial Hydrology Program and the Physical Oceanography Program at NASA, the USGS through the Ohio Water Resources Center, and the Climate, Water, and Carbon program at OSU.

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