David Cole

Cole, David

David Cole

Professor, Ohio Research Scholar


(614) 688-7407

Mendenhall Lab 305

Areas of Expertise

  • Geochemistry and Mineralogy
  • Energy and Mineral Resources
  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration
  • Nanogeoscience


  • Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Cole is a geochemist whose research spans several sub-disciplines in the geosciences and chemistry. His work addresses seven fundamental challenge areas: (a) reaction mechanisms, rates and transport processes of elements and isotopes in minerals, glasses and melts; (b) quantifying the spatial and temporal evolution of natural water-rock systems; (c) use of isotopic and mineralogical proxies to reconstruct past climates; (d) CO2 sequestration in geologic formations; (e) physical and chemical processes associated with unconventional gas shale systems; (f) evolution of rock properties in energy-related subsurface formations, and (g) the atomistic- and molecular-level behavior of carbon-bearing aqueous fluids in natural and engineered nanopores. He employs advanced electron microscopy, isotope ratio mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and neutron scattering tools in concert with numerical models to quantify complex fluid-gas-matrix interactions from the nano- to the macroscale. He has applied these tools to quantify geochemical processes associated with CO2 geologic storage, oil and gas generation and migration, geothermal exploration and exploitation, and metallic and nonmetallic ore deposits. Research sponsorship include DoE’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences and the National Science Foundation. He is Director of the Subsurface Energy Materials Characterization and Analysis Laboratory (SEMCAL). He is Co-Lead of Sustainable Energy Research in the OSU Sustainability Institute (SI), a member of the SI Faculty Advisory Faculty and is a Faculty Senator in the College of Arts and Sciences Senate. He is a Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America and the Geological Society of America.

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